Saturday, December 24, 2016
With but a few weeks left in his term, President Obama authorized the US's abstention from vote against a resolution brought in the UN Security Council ordering Israel to stop its illegal settlements in Palestinian territory. Israel's government immediately denounced the resolution, which is merely the first of many such attempts including in the wider General Assembly, which have so far been blocked by the US. So the question is why now? Obama had 8 years to do something substantive to erode Israel's progressive theft of Palestinian land. He could have initiated such resolutions himself, but more importantly, taken tangible action to stop aiding, abetting and arming Israel in its actions which he understood perfectly well were 'changing the reality on the ground' - negating any possibility of the universally supported 'two-state solution' by building highways, walls, security fences and otherwise stripping the disputed territories of all precious resources including water and arable land. Like predecessor Bush, Obama sent a shipload of weapons to Israel to commit genocide in Gaza. Netanyahu's position is on the record for several years - that 'there already is a Palestinian state - Jordan'.
So why now this essentially symbolic resolution? Is it because Obama knows that the Palestinian state will die unborn, since Israel already has stolen more than 80% of Palestine? Or because he knows that his successor Trump is going to overturn this resolution as soon as he can, and proceed with more dramatic moves supporting Israel's thefts by moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Back in 2008, before his election to the White House, Obama had already (according to an Israeli journalist) 'broken all records for fawning' before the Jewish community in Florida, assuring them that Jerusalem would remain in Jewish hands, knowing perfectly well that without a share of Jerusalem (even without the 'Bantustanization' of the remaining 20% of Palestinian land) - there could be no viable Palestinian state.
The Israeli government's response to this resolution of course shows its utter contempt for world opinion. After all, 'God promised Israel to the Jews'... Having benefited from the single super-power's help in just about every way from 1967 on, it knows it is safe, also possessing hundreds of nuclear weapons launchable from land, sea and air, and the latest conventional and biological/chemical weapons. The 'Christians' who settled America also believed it was the 'promised land', the 'New Zion'; so there is a logical consistency that American should aid and abet the settlement of the 'old' Zion.
Some years ago, Naomi Klein described how Western states notably the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel, boycotted the Durban conferences because they raised real issues for example of theft of human capital (slavery) and compensation for them. All of these were 'settler-colonial' states, who not only stole countries and continents, but virtually eliminated local populations under various pretexts ('savages' - precursors of today's 'terrorists') and forcibly kidnapped millions of slaves. These 'real debts' cannot be recognized by the perpetrators, while comparatively fake debts of electronically printed money by the Federal Reserve, IMF and ECB are used to destroy nations such as Argentina, Greece and others through austerity programs. No austerity is needed for the US - the world's greatest debtor nation, in accordance with its own 'supreme outlaw' status.
After the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Obama made a photo op to the Louisiana bayou to lecture oil companies who promised a cleanup. Once he left, the ships supposed to carry out the cleanup also did - replaced by airplanes that simply sprayed the oil slick with chemicals to break it up into smaller invisible pieces that are still destroying the Bayou's ecosystem. Like that photo op, this latest 'legacy op' at the UN, seems classic Obama.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
The Western propaganda machine has made much of 'Muslim terror' including the numerous posts on facebook to 'Stop the Islamization of America'..... Trump's infamous comments to ban Muslims altogether was criticized even by Dick Cheney (one of the greatest war-criminals of our time) as being not consistent with 'American values'.. Cheney's American values of course include invading and destroying Muslim countries on false pretences and murdering hundreds of thousands and millions of refugees..... Obama has continued American values by arming and financing the insurgents in Syria to remove Bashar Assad. It is Obama, not ISIS, that has created millions of Syrian refugees. And at least one online writer suggests that the arms provided by the US to 'moderate rebels' to fight Assad have actually gone to ISIS.... Go figure. The other source of course is Saudi Wahhabism - the most extreme version of Islam - but Saudi Arabia is fully supported by the US, which sells it tens of billions of dollars of weapons..... Iran's weapons expenditures are less than an eighth of Saudi, and they are mostly obsolete weapons from before 1979, when it was a US ally under the Shah (yes that democrat who killed, tortured and imprisoned thousands of Iranians via SAVAK).
And of course the vast majority of the some 60 million refugees worldwide (UN figure) are not from the Middle East, but from Africa, also arising from conflicts fostered or created by the West, which is plundering Africa's mineral resources via secret wars, death squads, etc. In Congo alone, some 4 million people have been killed. But since the same people who are responsible for these killings own the major Western news media, these genocides are not reported on the news..
Canada is the mining capital of the world according to a recent book, with 75% of the world's mining companies incorporating here, principally in Ontario (major source of TSE revenues) as Canada provides the most favorable legal and judicial framework for these companies. Yes some of these companies are paying death squads in Africa and South America to displace populations inconveniently located in mining areas.
So the question for the majority of the world's population, including Muslim ones, is how to 'STOP THE AMERICANIZATION OF THE PLANET'. How to ban Americans - their armies, their CIA insurrections, assassinations and kidnappings (eg of Haiti's President Aristide because he wanted the raise the minimum wage in his country from $1 to $1.60), Navy Seals ops, black ops by mercenary armies like Blackwater (now under a new name), the mass-murdering B-52 bombing raids which in every raid cause more terror, mass-murder of civilians and destruction than a thousand suicide-bombers could ever do............ This is not an academic question. We are repeating the course of the 20th century which also began with a 'Gilded Age' of opulence and obscene wealth in America followed by the Great Depression through Wall Street fraud and excess, and the World Wars..... The era of 'unregulation' under the worship of that hideous Ayn Rand brought about the multi-trillion sub-prime fraud and the Great Recession. Trillions of dollars had to be printed out of thin air to get the US to bail out of that near depression.... but the wars over geopolitics and resources - principally fueled by the US and its 'Christian' allies in the West (always led by the UK's anxious licking of the American master's boots and other parts of his anatomy) - are taking us if not toward WW3 or nuclear holocaust, then to environmental catastrophe. The US is not a Christian country - its God is Mammon (capital), and it is covering the planet with the 'dung of the devil'.
'The horror, the horror' of a sick, diseased Western society that is murdering millions of people around the world so a tiny fraction of 1% can get even more rich, and covering it all up, while displaying hysterical outrage over 129 killings in Paris and 14 in California, is the reality we live in. Those attacks were pitiful pinpricks, pathetically inadequate responses motivated by outrage and hatred of the West, for the major, monstrous crimes committed by the West in Muslim nations. Which include the so-called bombings of ISIS. Every bombing is a terror attack which kills civilians..........But no one reports those killings, no one conducts a candle-light vigil for those victims... They don't matter.....
The time is running out for the planet to collectively cry: 'YANKEE GO HOME'. TAKE YOUR MCDONALDS, YOUR MONSANTO POISON (GMO) YOUR TRADE AGREEMENTS AND YOUR 900 ARMED BASES OUT OF OUR COUNTRIES.... GET OUT. 135 countries are presently under attack by the US, but the corrupt, obedient news media does not report it. It is long overdue for the planet to defy, resist and ultimately defeat the 'Washington Consensus', that WC or inverted toilet bowl from which all manner of corruption and criminality is flowing out and poisoning, strangulating, robbing and murdering the planet........ We need a Global Consensus against the world's biggest war-criminal and terrorist. South America has already more or less told the US to 'fuddle duddle'... It will just take some courage for the rest of the world to join them.
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