Sunday, September 30, 2018


The current storm over the Kavanaugh nomination is over Ms. Ford's allegations, supported by womens' groups who also fear he would help overturn Roe v. Wade, and by African-Americans who believe he will help further disenfranchise them, including denying them the right to vote. Some groups have apparently been talking about rioting if this man is appointed to the US Supreme Court. Missing from this discussion is the great likelihood that even if his nomination is derailed, whoever might replace him would likely be as much a supporter of the ultra right-wing, neo-liberal inequality-advancing, and international war-mongering agenda of the Republican party. The substitute candidate would also be partisan - a key feature of the US Supreme Court for a long time. Hence there is likely to be little difference to the Republican dominated US Supreme Court - it would continue the same judicial policies regardless of who Trump appoints. The key problem is that 5 of the Supreme Court judges have been and will remain partisan loyalists of the Republican party, even if past appointees did not openly show the partisanship that Kavanaugh did in his pressure-filled Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Until this Republican majority is turned into a minority, that court will function pretty much the same way. Under the court led by now deceased 'Chief Justice' Anton Scalia, those Republican judges carried out 2 of the greatest and most brazen attacks on democracy, a fact never mentioned in the nearly 2-years of hysterical outrage over the alleged Russian interference/attack on American democracy. Those attacks being the 2000 shutdown of the Florida recount which would have made Al Gore President, and the 2010 Citizens' United ruling (which really should be known as 'Billionaires and Corporations United against the 99%' if truth were told, having been substantially pushed by the Koch brothers who openly reject the notion that business has any responsibility to society or the environment). The 2000 attack on American democracy ushered in the people whom millions or tens of millions of people including Americans believe carried out 9/11, to provide the pretext (the 'New Pearl Harbour') for re-arranging the Middle East and taking greater control of its vast oil reserves in Muslim hands, and eventually assimilating giant chunks of smashed countries into a 'Greater Israel'; being the consonance of interests of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and the Oded Yinon plan. Millions of Muslims murdered and tens of millions turned into refugees, with Iraq (location of the second largest oil reserves in the Middle East), Afghanistan (location of planned pipeline to transfer oil and gas from the Caspian Sea), Syria (location of another planned pipeline the Syrian leader rejects - hence he 'must go'), and Libya (whose leader wanted to sell his country's oil in a gold-backed African currency, deviating from the US Petrodollar which grants the single superpower its 'exorbitant privilege', and its ability to finance unlimited weapons of mass murder, terror, torture and destruction) among the countries destroyed or devastated. Matters proceeding substantially if not exactly as per plan. The set-up in 1991 of Saddam Hussein and Iraq (the US encouraging him to violently deal with Kuwait which was effectively stealing Iraqi oil from a 'disputed' oil well), was also motivated by his attempt to sell his country's oil in Euros - the same 'crime' Iran is guilty of. The US allegedly stands for 'free-market capitalism', except when other countries' attempts to be 'free' threatens American interests. The 2010 ruling authorizing unlimited campaign contributions by the super-rich and corporations, (while also paying lip-service to the vastly poorer unions' ability to do likewise) was a major contribution to the liquidation of democracy into a 'plutocracy' of and by the 1% for the 0.01%. Along with the decades of neo-liberal policies drastically enforcing the 'Powell memorandum', this has helped not only create grotesque inequality, but turned millions of people, mostly men, into alcohol and opiod addicts, and raised the American suicide rate by some 25% across the board. So while this tempest rages, these matters remain mostly untouched, with Trump betraying the tens of millions who voted for him, and quietly advancing these problems, which bear no comparison to the alleged attempted sexual assault on a teenage girl by a couple of drunken boys at a college party (decades ago, to boot). While all eyes are focussed here, the far more relevant story of how the Trump administration may be moving to war-like measures against Iran with its actions in Basra, abetted by other Israeli claims about Iran, also remains on the sidelines.