Friday, January 22, 2010



CBC news has reported a shocking story of a brutal beating by 2 Vancouver police officers who showed up at the home of an Asian-Canadian, Mr. Yao Wei Wu, after 2 am in the morning, and proceeded to simply assault him without any explanation or before asking any questions. They had responded to a phone call from a woman claiming to be beaten by her husband and fearing for her baby. It turned out the police had beaten up the wrong man. The Vancouver police chief showed up at Mr. Wu's house and apologized. Mr. Wu says this is not enough. Absolutely NOT!

CBC news reported this as a case of 'mistaken identity'. But this is far more than that. This is a disgusting sympton of a society gone mad. A society which has swallowed whole male-hating feminist ideology to the point that police officers act as judge jury and executioner, in this case, of an innocent man, for no reason other than that he is a man (in theory) being accused by a woman.

This automatic presumption of guilt defies any tradition of justice or legality and is symptomatic of a police state. This sort of rush to judgment against men being accused by women has become common in Canada, even if this type of ruthless beating is not. Men are routinely treated as guilty if accused of assault (domestic or sexual), rape, or sexual harassment. Male lives are damaged and frequently destroyed before any investigation, often (as in this case) without their input, and almost inevitably nothing happens to women making false allegations.

In this case perhaps there was a genuine assault and a male aggressor (yet to be determined) but the job of the police was to find the right man, and make a lawful arrest, not proceed to criminally assault an innocent person before establishing any facts. Even if they had had the 'right' man, they would have been guilty of criminal assault.

This case has very significant implications. Canadian society needs to take a different approach to its uncritical acceptance of feminist ideology. It is all too easy for women to complain or cry, but police and authorities need to investigate before acting, and any action should be lawful.

The following needs to now happen:

1. The police officers should face charges for criminal assault and discharge from the force.
2. Mr. Wu should be fully compensated.
3. A public inquiry should be held to deal with the problem of rush to judgment against men, and the need to re-establish the principle of presumption of innocence. Too many people in our legal, police and justice systems, as well as in our media, bureaucracies and political parties, are guilty of cozying up to womens' groups (not all of whom incidentally are hostile to men - many are aware of the excesses being committed against men) and ignoring the destruction of men's rights to justice.

The Toronto Star is among those in the media that has published plenty of stories about 'domestic assault' and 'violence against women'. It is now morally obliged to publish this letter and conduct an investigation of this and similar stories of victimized men.

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