Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Huffington Post reports that Canada is proceeding to host talks on the TPP, in an undisclosed location in Toronto, even though the US has apparently withdrawn from it. The location is secret for obvious reasons – because the talks are certain to attract protest from activists and hopefully the public.
The 6000 page text of the TPP was drafted by corporate lawyers in secret. No public input was either solicited or allowed. Not even members of Parliaments of the concerned countries had input. This alone should have raised RED FLAGS… But in the corporate-owned news media that dominate the West, these basic facts are not given coverage. Their ‘fake news’ hype continues to call it a ‘trade deal’, in furtherance of ‘free trade’. There is nothing ‘free’ about it except for the principal beneficiaries of the deal – big corporations, who by its terms will put the economies affected (including Canada) into a Corpo-Rat straitjacket.
This deal (part of a TRIAD including the European TTIP, and the global TISA) is the resurrection of the hated MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) which was scuttered by strong public protests (Paris and Seattle?). The MAI at least had the decency to label itself what it was – an Investor Rights Agreement – not a ‘trade deal’. By falsely labelling the TPP a ‘trade deal’, both the media and governments are misleading the public. Lowering tariffs is a very tiny part of this deal, which is calculated to squeeze the life out of what little remains of national sovereignty after decades of successful neo-liberalism, or what should be regarded as the economics of fraud and theft. It is designed to maximise the power of big corporations to plunder national resources, destroy environments (land, water, air), and exploit labour by continuing the devastation of unions. If nation-states do not comply with corporate demands, they will be on the hook for massive damage claims for lost future profits that the concerned corporations will claim, and which will be adjudged not by national courts, but by private arbitration panels made up of the same corporate lawyers who principally drafted the near-6000 page text, kept secret from the public (except where pieces and fragments have been made public by the courage of Wikileaks) and even members of Parliaments. As one tiny example, the town of Erin voted recently on a proposal to slightly raise the infinitesmal price it charges Nestle for water which the company sells at huge profits to the public. Such liquidation of resources has been happening all over the US, as reported by Mark Zepezauer in his book 'Take the Rich off Welfare'.
This is a damning piece of work by the Canadian government, to proceed with the TPP instead of embracing (warmly) the opportunity to smash it given by Donald Trump's executive order.
Blame must also be assigned to activists on the left who have relentlessly attacked Trump for issues of political correctness, while ignoring the three areas of positive possibility offered by him: improved relations with Russia and the dialling-down of the awesome danger of a terminal war, the promise to retract trillions of dollars of expenditure on never-ending war-crimes abroad, and to kill the dangerous TPP. The first possibility has already been smashed by the ‘Deep State’ with its successful (and largely fraudulent) claims of Russian hacking; the US is the biggest hacker of the entire planet’s population as revealed by Snowden, has the biggest cyberwarfare budget, and a history of destroying democracy around the planet, and within its own borders with Citizens United. (The Democratic Party itself sabotaged the chances of Bernie Sanders in favour of Hillary Clinton)…The ouster of Flynn for essentially engaging in what used to be considered diplomacy – talking to a foreign government - has been a major step. This led naturally to the killing of the second possibility which also was a big threat to the war-mongering Deep State, and the massive weapons industry. That leaves the TPP. Truly an uninformed public needs to awake and protest this serious threat to their economic interest….and hopefully lead to the crumbling of the related TTIP and TISA as well.
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