Saturday, December 9, 2017
The American President 'anoints' Jerusalem
The US President's decision to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital was mildly criticized by Western leaders. The British PM called it 'unhelpful'; France's President called it 'unilateral', suggesting a lack of support outside the US. Actually there is practically universal condemnation for it and for the century old plot, hatched in America (eg Supreme Court 'justices' Felix Frankfurter and Louis Brandeis) and Britain ('Lord' Balfour) to carve a Zionist homeland for Jews out of lands inhabited by Muslims and Christians. This involved the brutal expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes back in 1948 (over which their descendants still demand the 'right of return', something Israel can never allow, since that would eviscerate the theft of this country), one of the major war-crimes since WW2 supported fully by the US, UK and some Western countries, specially the ones who also were established the same way - as 'settler-colonials' who exterminated or ethnically 'cleansed' the local populations using various pretexts (calling them 'savages' back then, with the current term of justification being 'terrorists'), and then simply stole their lands. The super-rich Jews (Rothschilds) and their super-rich backers (Rockefellers, British 'royals', among others) who supported the crimes of Israel overcame significant opposition including in the US State Department and media, as described in Alison Weir's book 'Against our Better Judgment'; those who spoke up for Palestinian rights saw their careers derailed and destroyed. Today those who criticise Israel are dismissed as 'anti-Semites', but the world's leading anti-Semitic state is surely Israel, if the word 'Semite or Semitic is truly interpreted - as meaning a person who speaks a Semitic language - hence Arabic and Aramaic. In contrast, Tel Aviv University professor Shlomo Sand has described most Israeli Jews as 'Khazars'.... in his book The Invention of the Jewish People. Ilan Pappe, Miko Peled, and of course Noam Chomsky among others have described the crimes of Israel's leaders in detail, which include acts of savage terror by Zionist militias led by men who went on to become Prime Ministers - Begin, Shamir, Sharon. The acts of butchery by these Zionist terrorists rivalled those of the Nazi SS, including rape and disembowelment of pregnant and old women and school girls and the murder of old people: the now forgotten bombing of the King David hotel, and in the present includes bombing of Gazan children by Netanyahu, and harassment, incarceration, torture of Palestinians, and the brazen theft of the little of Palestine that remains in Palestinian possession - Gaza and West Bank, stripped progressively of its best parts - arable land, water, and the rest 'Bantustanized' with walls, highways, security fences and checkpoints; all calculated to torture, strangulate and slowly exterminate the surviving Gazans and West Bank-ers, while pretending all the while that they (the victims) are terrorists who eschew peace. In her book (p. 61) Weir cites an interview for US television in which Menachem Begin is asked 'How does it feel .... to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?" To which the proud reply is: 'In the Middle East? In all the world". Naturally all this is excised from Western history and news coverage. 9/11 was carried out by neo-cons Cheney Rumsfeld and many others including Pentagon generals, with Mossad playing the role of lining the WTC towers with nanothermite.... The successful transfer of blame to Arabs who simply could not have done it, has greatly accelerated the plans of the 'Zio-Nazis', which are to smash Muslim countries and incorporate Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and parts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia into a 'Greater Israel', that mythically existed at the time of David and Solomon according to the Old Testament. Just as Israel cannot allow the return of the expelled Palestinians, the US government cannot allow a re-opening of the investigation into 9/11, as it would lead to the execution of virtually the entire former W. Bush administration, and the decimation of American prestige around the world, which got a significant boost after 9/11. Therefore all public and international calls for the 'truth' are dismissed as 'conspiracy theory', and the mountains of evidence proving it was an 'inside job' - absence of airplane debris, baggage or bodies in any of the alleged airliner crashes, the clear video showing a white tube (cruise missile) hitting the Pentagon and conveniently murdering 125 employees investigating the disappearance of $2.3 trillion from the Pentagon as well as eviscerating all the files of evidence, etc. etc. etc... simply ignored by the major corporate and Jewish-owned media who do not report on any of these matters, but only on the pitiful pinpricks of retaliation (eg rockets launched in Gaza)...... Truly, we live in horrific times.
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