Wednesday, July 22, 2020
The historically amnesiac, and naive anti-China tirades in India
It is interesting how full of naivete, historical amnesia, and absence of touch with reality, the current anti-China tirades are from so many Indians, and in the Indian media. I am Indian, by the way.
Yes there has been a violent (but comparatively small..) confrontation in the Galwan, and yes China has aggressively taken Aksai Chin and Tibet, and also supported Pakistan since 1947.
But that is only a small part of the history.
People have forgotten who ruled and raped India for over 200 years – turning it from the second largest global economy and second richest country (a veritable ‘soney ki chideeya’) into one of the poorest countries in the world – those same British, who gave birth to their bastard nation the US, which has taken over the superpower status from them.
The US was forcibly stolen from the tens of millions of ‘Red Indians’ who inhabited it for millenia, BEFORE COLUMBUS WAS EVEN BORN! And some 90% of whom were wiped out, with such things as pipe-dream treaties never honoured by the US, and genocidal devices like blankets infected with small-pox, ‘gifted’ to those poor souls.
Plus the brutal kidnapping and import of tens of millions of Africans into slavery, which allowed the US to replace the British as the world’s largest economy through cotton grown for free by slaves, at a time when ‘cotton was the oil of the time’, to quote Noam Chomsky.
And the Brits had destroyed India’s economy (as Tharoor describes) which was the world’s greatest producer of cotton, by such devices as destroying Indian looms and cutting off the thumbs of weavers (at least in one case).
And we think the US-led West is our friend? India is more ‘popular’ than China with these people?
Think again. It was in 1971 when the US and UK navies charged into the Bay of Bengal to threaten India, which had been forced to intervene in the East Pakistan crisis, which created Bangladesh.
Who saved us? Our Soviet friends literally saved our bacon – sending submarines which reached the Bay before the US and UK, and sent them packing.
How soon we forget!!
The reason the US has been on an anti-China tear has been the unprecedented, and unpredictable growth of a global economic rival – China, whose manufacturing is double that of the US (as percentage of global share) and ten times that of India!
Think about that before you assume that the fiasco in Galwan will cause the Chinese to lose heart. It might - because of such things as long supply lines to that border with India, but don’t bet on it - China’s economy is nearly 5 times bigger than India’s.
Yes PM Modi is acting intelligently in seeking military alliance with the US-led powers challenging China, such as Japan and Australia. But it is not in India’s interest to fight a war with China, and neither is it in China’s interest. Both have major problems internally, but India’s problems are bigger.
Yes the Chinese are being sanctioned by Western countries for the new ‘security’ law in Hong Kong, and US aircraft carriers have been in the South China seas since the time of Obama….. but these are all part of the US-led anti-China campaign.
And the US support of India, which only began at the time of W. Bush with the US-India nuclear cooperation deal – is calculated to countervail the growing power of China, which the US clearly fears.
For decades before that, the US penalized India with sanctions for daring to build a nuke and explode it at Pokharan. And all it did was incentivize Pakistan to develop its own arsenal, and yes with Chinese cooperation. But that demon has been unleashed, and cannot be put ‘back in the box’.
Who created the 1971 crisis? The US! Which gave billions of dollars of weapons to West Pakistan (via Iran’s SAVAK and Saudi Arabia) to murder millions of East Pakistanis, whom the Punjabi Pakistanis regarded as inferior…. When millions of East Pakistanis fled to West Bengal (India), Indira Gandhi was forced to intervene.
She was later assassinated (read Tariq Ali’s fictionalized book on this) by her bodyguards, with secret CIA encouragement, or else they might never have dared do it.
Who created the Hong Kong demonstrations which ultimately led to the Chinese clampdown? The CIA and MI-6 – who have a record of fomenting this type of trouble to topple governments or weaken them – they have done it all around the world!
Do you have the first clue what Hong Kong’s history was? Hong Kong was seized by the British (whose navy ‘ruled the waves’ at the time….) after the Chinese emperor ordered that their opium - which the British forced Indian farmers to grow in Bengal (also causing famines – which cumulatively killed 35 million Indians, read Shashi Tharoor’s Inglorious Empire…!) and were dumping in China - be stopped.
A Chinese official threw one British opium shipment into the sea (shades of the Boston tea party) - so the global superpower and the world’s greatest drug cartel of the time, used its gunboats to bomb Chinese coastal cities - forcing the Chinese emperor to surrender, pay the equivalent of billions of pounds in reparations, and cede territories like Hong Kong to the British, which they used to continue the drug trade, which was a major source of ‘royal’ fortune.
And these are the people who are claiming China is injuring freedoms in Hong Kong!
Please – please – stop parroting American and British nonsense. Go back and read history.
We have had recent border conflict with China. But they never robbed or raped us. That was the British and now is the Americans (see below).
Yes it seems the Chinese intend to dominate the off-shore resources off their coasts, whose ownership is disputed by Vietnam, etc….
But let’s keep perspective…. the British colonial history is one of outright theft of other countries… as Tharoor puts it, most if not all museums in London, are full of treasure stolen from former colonies, which the no-longer so ‘great’ Britain refuses to return to the rightful owners.
Like the Kohinoor diamond stolen from India, or the ‘Elgin marbles’, stolen by ‘Lord’ Elgin from Greece.
Yes the Americans are now looting India, as we foolishly surrendered to them the freedom achieved at so much cost from the British!
Read Arundhati Roy’s Capitalism a Ghost Story, for how trillions of dollars of mineral resources in Orissa, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh, were simply handed over to US corporations for a song!!! Literally all India gets will be royalties as little as 0.5% or possibly as high as 7%.. Which Indian politicians had big deposits in their Swiss bank accounts in consequence..? I don’t know.
No wonder Obama – one of the greatest ‘actors’ (as in Hollywood or Bollywood) in history – soon thereafter told an Indian audience what their esteem-starved minds wanted to hear: ‘India is already a superpower’. What a laugh! The overwhelming majority of India’s population – over 700 million – remain in horrible crippling poverty…. While the major corporate controlled media yammers on about a handful of Indian billionaires, like Mukesh Ambani, who has apparently overtaken Warren Buffett.
China on the other hand, has LIFTED 700 million people out of extreme poverty.
China is our geographical neighbour…. And this minor conflict needs to be handled diplomatically, not to escalate into a potentially catastrophic war. And there is no fundamental geopolitical reason to be at odds with China. What has been not understood by Indians, is that the border conflicts at Aksai Chin and Tibet, were caused by lines drawn in 1947 by 2 British officials - Johnson and McMahon - lines which the Chinese never accepted! Who is right is not clear. But one thing is CRYSTAL CLEAR - war with China will be a disaster for India, as Pakistan is unlikely to miss the opportunity to invade Jammu and Kashmir, and complete the theft it initiated in 1947, which a Gandhi-dominated India did not repel by force. It is hard not to see that as a major blunder. But now is the time to stay cool.... thandey dimaag se kaam lena hai, josh se nahin.
Yes China supports Pakistan. But who created Pakistan? It was the British who deliberately created the Muslim League during the struggle for independence, to ‘divide and conquer’, weakening the Congress Party of Gandhi, Nehru and Patel.
And long before China, it was the British and the US who gave huge materiel assistance to Pakistan, including weapons, which they used to wage wars against India. This was the reward to Pakistan for allowing the Brits and the Americans to spy on the Soviets from their territory, which India refused to allow.
Stop parroting American propaganda….. they don’t really care about India – they are only using India to rival China in the region.
And climate change, whose horrors we are just beginning to witness, as with the months long fires in Australia which burned over a billion animals to scorching death, will affect India far worse than most countries, and certainly far worse than China.....
And google 'US wars in 130 countries', all in pursuit of corporate plunder of local resources, all the while pretending to be a 'Global War against Terror', after the self-inflicted 9/11, blamed on 19 Arabs who could not possibly have done it - read the books of David Ray Griffin - so that the Cheney/Halliburton plan - their Project for a New American Century - to invade the Middle East and take control of its massive oil reserves, using a 'catastrophic, catalyzing event, a New Pearl Harbour', could be realized.
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