Thursday, October 25, 2007


These guttersnipes have already raped and destroyed Iraq, but their innate evil urges them to now plunder the ancient land of Persia, called Iran. The most despised man on this planet is probably George Bush Jr., if a world-wide poll could be taken. However, in the unreal world of the Bushites which includes the lying media and members of the 'bribed and bullied' (where do they get their research funding?) academia (eg. Niall Ferguson - that Oxford-Harvard historian who defends imperialism as good medicine for the world) - that position belongs to Ahmadinejad.....

Hence their constant attacks on that man simply because he dares to stand up for Iran's rights to acquire nuclear energy, and for the rights of Palestinians to their own country, one that is denied them by the combined might of the United States and an Israel armed to the tooth by the United States - including with hundreds of nuclear weapons that can easily 'vaporize' Iran. But that is not relevant in the minds of the Western media and 'historians' like Ferguson who write of Armageddon if Iran builds a bomb, while breathing not a word about the 200+ BOMBS that Israel already possesses.

American attacks on Iran, whether an invasion (less likely after the rapid decline in the US dollar and international US prestige following the rape of Iraq) or simply waves of bombings (that a Bill Maher would correctly label as cowardly) by B-52's safe at 50,000 feet in the sky......are the next great calamity and war-crime waiting to happen. And it must not be allowed to happen.

These Bushites, these murderers, war-criminals, and looters of the resources of other nations, must be stopped. The lies of their supporters in the media and the academic world must be exposed......the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, including vigilance against the criminals in our own leadership, who plan the rape and murder of other nations in broad daylight, with the mushroom gas of their lies, so that our brains, already sapped by alcohol, sports, sitcoms, the insane world of 30-second propaganda ads, and a contemptible Jerry Springer culture of instant celebrity, narcissism, and notoriety, give in as we slowly and subliminally turn to zombies following the corporate agenda...

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