Thursday, October 11, 2007



It cannot have escaped the attention of anyone not hypotized by American propaganda, and unfortunately such people seem to have been in a minority, that Iran is now being set up as an invasion target much in the way Iraq was set up back in 2002.

Back then as well, it ought to have been obvious that Iraq could not possibly have been a threat to the US – it had been devastated in 1991 ('bombed back to the stone-age' as some put it), then kept on its
knees if not its back with economic sanctions which eventually took the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children, harassed with incessant UN arms inspections (no doubt at the behest of the US and UK) until Saddam
Hussein finally threw the inspectors out, and with ad-hoc bombings by the American and British air-forces whenever the leaders of those two countries needed a boost in their domestic political ratings.
Even at the height of the Coalition's assault on Iraq in 1991, all the Iraqi dictator had done was use anti-aircraft flak (World War II technology), and had in fact parked the fighter/bomber aircraft that
survived the first day's attack on his airforce, in Iran....Had Osama been the Iraqi leader, it should be evident he would have used those aircraft very differently...

Nonetheless, in the post-911 paranoia, the Bush administration was able to bully or brainwash the American public, its political opposition the Democrats, and most of the already subservient or
unprincipled American media as well as some Canadian newspapers such as the Globe and Mail, And so the giant lie that Iraq was awash with WMD (weapons of mass destruction) being primed for use against the US, and that it had been complicit in the World Trade Center attack, was unleashed and eagerly seized upon by major news agencies like CNN, Fox and many others in North America.

Outside the bubble of unreality that was (and still is – see Chomsky's 'Manufacturing Consent' or Al Gore's 'The Assault on Reason') North America however, people were not only unconvinced, but as many as 80% of Europeans believed the world's biggest terrorist and threat to peace was neither Saddam Hussein nor Osama Bin Laden, but President George Bush Jr.. Correctly, as events proved.

Four years later, Iraq has once again been devastated and over 650,000 Iraqi civilians killed, a fact that few North American new organizations pay much attention to, in their preferred role as propaganda agencies for the American government system, if not the Bush administration. Their concern instead is the comparatively few American lives that are being lost, or the way the 'war' seems to have spun out of US control. But has it spun out of US control, or is that just how the US is playing it, in order to justify a long-term occupation of that country? Certainly that is what Iran's President Ahmadinejad alleged this week at the UN with his statement "It seems that intensification of hostilities and terrorism serves as a
pretext for the continued presence of foreign forces in Iraq.".

The simple fact – which most reasonable people believe – excepting the fools, liars or spin-doctors in the US media and political system – is that the US went into Iraq for the oil. This is why they are now
building the world's largest embassy/fortress – to cover 104 acres – costing upto $1 billion dollars, in Baghdad. They are there to stay,
and the next goal in the US plan to re-arrange the Middle Eastern map (as Prof. Chomsky of the MIT has exhaustively and persuasively documented in several volumes) is to invade Iran.

That is why Ahmadinejad has been demonized for the past year or two, in a manner similar to the way Saddam Hussein had been. Perhaps he made ill-considered statements about the Jewish holocaust, but his statements about Israel have almost certainly been distorted and quoted without context. In either case, his sentiments flowed from his sympathy for the plight of the 5 million Palestinian refugees who have been living in camps for 60 years, with the world largely indifferent to their plight. What the Iranian president really said was that Israel had been created by armed aggression out of land belonging to the Palestinians, and therefore the original nation of Palestine comprising Jews, Muslims and Christians ought to be reconstituted through a referendum. Yes that would remove Israel from the 'map' but hardly the way it has been reported by the biased American media, which conveniently linked it to Iran's ambitions for nuclear energy to add 2 and 2 and create millions....of lies and misconceptions such as those used against Iraq.

Ahmadinejad also spoke of many things at Columbia University and the UN, which are accurate as well as tragic.... he spoke of how Iran had been victimized by American-supported terrorism, of how America's presence on the Security Council allowed it to be simultaneously aggressor/occupier, as well as prosecutor/judge/executioner in so many parts of the third world where its CIA and armed forces have acted to remove democratically elected leaders and replace them with brutal dictators serving the US's interests. Of how America had provided the WMD to Saddam Hussein to prosecute an 8-year war against Iran which had cost 200,000 Iranian lives and 600,000 wounded casualties. He asked how countries like the US (and Israel by the way) which had huge nuclear weapons arsenals had the right to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear energy...

Unfortunately the American media is unlikely to give much attention to these comments, or the terrible realities behind them, or care much about the fact that the US is (as PM Harper put it this week in New
York) 'hated' in many circles, for good reason.

Is it that unclear that the US has committed major war-crimes in Iraq?

As it did in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia? Is the blood of 650,000 Iraqis not on the hands of Bush, Cheney, the erstwhile Rumsfeld, and their cronies in the American industrial-military-politico-bureaucratic complex?

The misconceptions and lies being spread about Iran with the full support of major North American news media organizations, seem ready to provoke another calamity in Iran......these murderers and
war-criminals are not content with their rape of Iraq, they want more blood on their hands....a lot more......and all for more money in their pockets.

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