Saturday, December 9, 2017
The American President 'anoints' Jerusalem
The US President's decision to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital was mildly criticized by Western leaders. The British PM called it 'unhelpful'; France's President called it 'unilateral', suggesting a lack of support outside the US. Actually there is practically universal condemnation for it and for the century old plot, hatched in America (eg Supreme Court 'justices' Felix Frankfurter and Louis Brandeis) and Britain ('Lord' Balfour) to carve a Zionist homeland for Jews out of lands inhabited by Muslims and Christians. This involved the brutal expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes back in 1948 (over which their descendants still demand the 'right of return', something Israel can never allow, since that would eviscerate the theft of this country), one of the major war-crimes since WW2 supported fully by the US, UK and some Western countries, specially the ones who also were established the same way - as 'settler-colonials' who exterminated or ethnically 'cleansed' the local populations using various pretexts (calling them 'savages' back then, with the current term of justification being 'terrorists'), and then simply stole their lands. The super-rich Jews (Rothschilds) and their super-rich backers (Rockefellers, British 'royals', among others) who supported the crimes of Israel overcame significant opposition including in the US State Department and media, as described in Alison Weir's book 'Against our Better Judgment'; those who spoke up for Palestinian rights saw their careers derailed and destroyed. Today those who criticise Israel are dismissed as 'anti-Semites', but the world's leading anti-Semitic state is surely Israel, if the word 'Semite or Semitic is truly interpreted - as meaning a person who speaks a Semitic language - hence Arabic and Aramaic. In contrast, Tel Aviv University professor Shlomo Sand has described most Israeli Jews as 'Khazars'.... in his book The Invention of the Jewish People. Ilan Pappe, Miko Peled, and of course Noam Chomsky among others have described the crimes of Israel's leaders in detail, which include acts of savage terror by Zionist militias led by men who went on to become Prime Ministers - Begin, Shamir, Sharon. The acts of butchery by these Zionist terrorists rivalled those of the Nazi SS, including rape and disembowelment of pregnant and old women and school girls and the murder of old people: the now forgotten bombing of the King David hotel, and in the present includes bombing of Gazan children by Netanyahu, and harassment, incarceration, torture of Palestinians, and the brazen theft of the little of Palestine that remains in Palestinian possession - Gaza and West Bank, stripped progressively of its best parts - arable land, water, and the rest 'Bantustanized' with walls, highways, security fences and checkpoints; all calculated to torture, strangulate and slowly exterminate the surviving Gazans and West Bank-ers, while pretending all the while that they (the victims) are terrorists who eschew peace. In her book (p. 61) Weir cites an interview for US television in which Menachem Begin is asked 'How does it feel .... to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?" To which the proud reply is: 'In the Middle East? In all the world". Naturally all this is excised from Western history and news coverage. 9/11 was carried out by neo-cons Cheney Rumsfeld and many others including Pentagon generals, with Mossad playing the role of lining the WTC towers with nanothermite.... The successful transfer of blame to Arabs who simply could not have done it, has greatly accelerated the plans of the 'Zio-Nazis', which are to smash Muslim countries and incorporate Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and parts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia into a 'Greater Israel', that mythically existed at the time of David and Solomon according to the Old Testament. Just as Israel cannot allow the return of the expelled Palestinians, the US government cannot allow a re-opening of the investigation into 9/11, as it would lead to the execution of virtually the entire former W. Bush administration, and the decimation of American prestige around the world, which got a significant boost after 9/11. Therefore all public and international calls for the 'truth' are dismissed as 'conspiracy theory', and the mountains of evidence proving it was an 'inside job' - absence of airplane debris, baggage or bodies in any of the alleged airliner crashes, the clear video showing a white tube (cruise missile) hitting the Pentagon and conveniently murdering 125 employees investigating the disappearance of $2.3 trillion from the Pentagon as well as eviscerating all the files of evidence, etc. etc. etc... simply ignored by the major corporate and Jewish-owned media who do not report on any of these matters, but only on the pitiful pinpricks of retaliation (eg rockets launched in Gaza)...... Truly, we live in horrific times.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
The allegations which started against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein have turned into a veritable tsumami of allegations against men everywhere, regardless of place or position. The unspoken assumption is that the truth about men as devils and women as angels is finally coming out. And surely it is long overdue to cast a dissenting voice..?
This hideous hysteria about predatory men taking advantage of 'helpless' women has gone on long enough, and frankly is not new. The spate of allegations against some possibly predatory men - no denying they are out there - conveniently supports the illusion and false ideology that all men are predators and all women victims, an ideology that is wicked and unjust. There are plenty of women who are hateful, malicious predatory vermin - whether they are the gold-digging type, or the ones who bully, nag, hen-peck and dominate their male partners, but especially the ones who make false allegations of rape, assault or sexual harassment knowing the current judicial/legal system will act on them
Going back thousands of years to Samson, we know how the most powerful man was brought down by the clever Delilah... plenty such examples exist in history. But restricting oneself to modern instances, let's consider the recent Canadian case of Jian Ghomeshi - whose career was destroyed by predatory women who hunted him for his celebrity...throwing themselves at him because of it, much like teeny-boppers have thrown themselves at rock-stars for generations.... If men are turned on by female beauty, women are turned on by proximity to power, celebrity, status, and of course, money and the toys it buys... Women play the passive-aggressive game, always ready to accuse men if men don't dance to their tune exactly as ordered. And the story of their male victims remains untold, repressed, buried by official adherence to the ideological narrative. The clever Ms. DeCoutere claimed she did not remember cuddling with the man who supposedly 'choked' her, or writing him she 'loved his hands' and wanted him to 'f..k her brains out'. But nothing has happened to her despite this brazen and malicious perjury which could have put Ghomeshi in jail for decades.
Going on... let's look at the great actress Meryl Streep, winner of many Oscars.. she deserves another one for claiming she was unaware of Harvey Weinstein's conduct (assuming the allegations against him are founded)... really.... hadn't she heard of the century old 'casting couch'? And Ryan Gosling - the macho ex-Canadian hunk ....hasn't he had Hollywood starlets or fans throw themselves at him..? Did he perhaps speak out under pressure or threat of allegations that might otherwise surface - true or not?
Of course there is another side altogether - of women who destroy the lives of men with false allegations - whether of rape or assault or sexual harassment, such as in the Ghomeshi case. And the biased system of injustice in North America allows such men no recourse whatsoever... no punishment for female perpetrators and no compensation for their male victims. While there may have been abuses by men specially in places like Hollywood, the reality in the real world outside it is often different. Even illiterate immigrants in Canada know they can have their husbands thrown in jail on accusations which may have zero basis in fact. Police have been indoctrinated in North America to arrest the man in any domestic dispute, regardless of the evidence. Some years ago, Vancouver police infamously and criminally beat up an innocent Vietnamese man after receiving a 9-11 call; CBC only called it a case of 'mistaken identity', not criminal assault by police. In the US a decade ago, a heated argument at a motel between a football player and his wife resulted in his arrest, over the protests of his wife who pleaded she had physically assaulted him. When evidence plays no role, it is not justice but ideology that is operating.
These matters go far beyond 'harassment' of the male victims - whose lives are devastated or destroyed by a cruel and malicious system of injustice.
In the GTA a few years ago, 2 South Asian doctors were accused of sexual assault by a woman they picked up in a bar, who decided in the morning to accuse them (the 'morning after' syndrome); their faces and names were broadcast on TV and print, the alleged victim remaining anonymous. After a female judge threw out her rape allegations, there were neither consequences for the accuser, nor redress for her male victims who were scarred for life. And it is well known in Canadian family courts that women have been falsely accusing their estranged spouses of child abuse to get custody, but this persistent perjury has not resulted in consequences for them. Women are emboldened to make false accusations by such a system, which has no basis in law, but is clearly an ideology designed to humiliate and demoralize men, for reasons that surely have to do with the neo-liberal destruction of millions of manufacturing jobs, mostly male jobs.... because the ideology is a flagrant rape of both natural justice, and the Canadian Charter S. 15's guarantee of equal treatment before the law. But our judges take their direction from the great neighbour to the south, whose Supreme Court Canada's 'Chief Justice' Beverley McLachlin once called 'the most important court in the world'.
The mighty US knows it faces no external threat, being protected by one-half of the planet's weapons of mass murder, terror, torture and destruction. Only possibly an internal one... to preclude which measures have been enacted, such as the building of 'immigration detention centres', which some have said are proto-concentration camps in the event of a revolt. Where is the massive opioid crisis coming from for instance..? As is typical, Western media discourse excludes the relevant facts and contexts, piously raising questions but burying the answers. When official government policy has been to outsource jobs to benefit a tiny 0.01%, and the rights of men in law brazenly quashed, what must result if not suicides, alcoholism, opioids..?
Yes there are male predators, but predators are not exclusively men... there are plenty of female ones as well. They just have different ways of going about it. The penis projects outwards, the vagina inwards... biology has powerful impacts on psychology and behaviour. Women have had thousands of years to develop thousands of tricks they play on men.... in addition to bombarding them with pheromones there are billions of dollars worth of industries dedicated to prettifying women - putting layers of make-up, shaving and waxing ugly hair, shampooing and hair-dos, fashion and clothing, etc... To pretend all of this has nothing to do with attracting male attention is part of the great lie about female victimhood.
Yes the workplace has traditionally been dominated by men, but even that is changing rapidly with positions in the federal bureaucracy, even places like firefighting, going to women who may or may not deserve them... in some federal agencies what used to be 80% male positions are now 80% or more manned by women. Like much else in North American society this narrative of male predation and female victimhood has a massive fog of deception, deceit and outright falsehood about it. It would seem more accurate to now call North America the 'home of the Eunuch, land of the John Bobbitt', rather than the brave and free. The judge who dismissed the charges against Ghomeshi called them 'laced with deception'. There is plenty about the official narrative of sexual harassment that is 'laced with deception'.
Friday, October 6, 2017
The Las Vegas Massacre
The Las Vegas massacre has led to much official soul-searching about the motive of the perpetrator. How could such a heinous crime occur in Bible-thumping, Jesus-loving Christian America, which stands for freedom, human rights and democracy? Patrick Buchanan on his website talks about the 'dead soul of Paddock'.... but isn't that dead soul is a molecule of the dead soul of America itself? Mr. Buchanan says Paddock killed those many people virtually for sport.... but there is plenty of American government precedent for that. In the UN-US war against North Korea in 1950, for instance, the US flattened North Korean cities, killing about 20% of that country's population, something the major news media never mentions in its rants about the North Korean leader. Or that it is the US army which has stood on his country's border, threatening it again for the past 67 continuous years... two-thirds of a century!
When the bombers in 1950 ran out of targets - literally - they destroyed North Korea's dams, flooding that country's agriculture and horticulture - decimating it. And the US pilots who did this were exultant - boasting about 'kicking ass'.... Similar crimes were committed with similar glee in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and many other countries.
Prior to the catastrophic invasion of Iraq in 2003 for instance on false pretences, the US government openly bragged about the 'shock and awe' its carpet bombing with thousands of B-52s, would inflict on Iraq.... the murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians, a majority being women and children, was not mentioned or ever reported in Western news media. Wikipedia reports that 80 million unexploded American bombs remain in Laos, regularly blowing up children. During WW2 in Japan, one of the great sociopaths of modern history - Curtis Lemay - burned some 67 Japanese cities to the ground (virtually - on average 50%) - leaving only Hiroshima and Nagasaki intact for the atomic bombs.... unnecessary as Japan was completely surrounded and wanted to surrender. But the myth of Japanese soldiers willing to sacrifice themselves to defeat an American invasion was used to justify Lemay's crimes. And the Bible-thumping President Truman ordered Fat Man and Little Boy dropped purely to send a message to the Soviet leader Stalin that the US was the undisputed boss of the planet. And two-thirds of a century later, American leadership still talks about the 'day of infamy'... in last year's visit to the USA by the Japanese PM, it was he who offered condolences for the 2400 souls lost in Pearl Harbour; Obama did not offer any for the hundreds of thousands or more Japanese souls killed in retaliation. 72 years later, after avenging Pearl Harbour a hundred times over, US leaders still froth at the mouth about the ‘day of infamy’. What words can suffice to describe the criminality and blood-lust of such people, or 'the horror, the horror', that they constitute the elites who control the world's SuperPredator, the SuperTerrorist..?
In their “Project for a New American Century”, Cheney and Rumsfeld spoke openly of the need for a ‘New Pearl Harbour’, which would accelerate their plans to destroy the Middle East, take control of the massive oil reserves owned by Muslim countries, and incorporate major sections of them into a ‘Greater Israel’.
The evidence is now overwhelming - beyond any reasonable doubt - that neocons Cheney and Rumsfeld planned and carried out 9/11, aided by NYC mayor Giuliani who had the massive debris evidence (full of top-secret US army material nanothermite which turned the WTC towers to dust) carted away within hours from 'Ground Zero' (before travelling to the UK to receive his 'Commander of the British Empire' medal); that cruise missiles photoshopped to look like airliners were used in the attacks which occurred in a country with the most sophisticated air-defence systems ordered to 'stand down'; and the blame put on Arabs who simply could not have piloted massive airliners with their minimal flight-school training on tiny planes, or undertaken the 'fighter-jet' like contortions the alleged planes did, etc etc.... so that their "Project for a New American Century', replicating the Oded Yinon plan for 'Greater Israel', could be carried out, along with the assault on civil liberties launched by the 1200-page "Patriot Act', miraculously produced within hours of 9/11, and in that paranoid atmosphere, easily stuffed down the throats of Congress...... so that the murder of hundreds of thousands (by now millions) of Muslims could be carried out, and their countries destroyed, their oil stolen....
In a country like this, is there any surprise that a dead soul like Paddock would be produced, when its top government officials, its highest ranking judges, are among the worst criminals in history. American crimes since 1945 easily rival if not exceed those of the Nazis. But the world's single Tyrannosaurus-Rex keeps crying wolf to deflect attention from its own crimes. Like the murder of thousands or tens of thousands of civilians, women, children, wedding Obama's weekly drone assassinations - never covered by official Western news media. One obstacle to the global empire ambitions of the neo-cons is Russian President Putin, who unlike other Western leaders, will not take American orders, or stand by helplessly as the neo-cons plot the destruction of his country and the theft of its massive resources. The entire 'Ukraine crisis' is a brazen inversion of the facts - that the Obama administration carried out a violent coup d'etat in Kiev to remove a Russia-friendly leader and instal a US puppet, in support of massive American investments (the biggest one led by Joe Biden's son) in Ukrainian oil and gas fracking. Or that if Putin had not annexed Crimea, formerly part of the USSR, US-controlled NATO would have set up a naval base at the only warm water port available to Russia.
Another obstacle is the growing economic power of China, and China's 'New Silk Road' project to transform 'Eurasia'.... So China, Russia, and India are conspicuously omitted from the great 'trade agreements' planned by Obama, unquestionably one of the greatest actors (as in Hollywood) in history. Except they are not trade agreements, but 'corporate-rights agreements' - decimating the rights of nation-states and populations to safe, clean environments and societies, so their resources can be plundered by the American (and European corporations)that will face no obstacle if such agreements are installed.
The last year has been dominated by hysteria about 'Russian interference' in the US election. Not a word about the American destruction of democracy in dozens of countries since 1945 - assassinations, CIA operations, terror crimes, death squads - still going on in 137 countries around the globe, creating the 60 million refugees in the planet today, but never reported in the major corporate owned media. Or of the brazen American interference in Russian elections, so a drunken stooge (Yeltsin) in the pockets of Wall Street could be installed, a fact openly boasted about on the cover of Time magazine? Followed by the liquidation/theft/privatization by Wall Street, of trillions of dollars worth of Russian resources...but not one that sated American greed.
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Or the continued denial of climate change by the Republican party, despite clear incontrovertible evidence which most recently destroyed 90% or more of Puerto Rico, and islands owned by France and Holland. In the 1970 Godfather movie, the leading mafioso is described as 'carrying the judges and politicians of New York in his pocket, like loose change'. The 0.01% who carry the top judges and politicians of America in their pockets are not mentioned... like the 5 American Supreme Court 'justices' who wrote Citizens United..... Those liquidators of democracy (into plutocracy) were the same ones who also attacked American democracy in 2000, installing the 21st century's worst war-criminals into the White House, against the wishes of the American people. Their judicial hands are also stained with the murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans... But these basic facts are never mentioned in the hideous hysteria about Russian hacking - or that the US is itself the greatest hacker of the entire planet.... a country where the leading financiers of war-crimes can carry out brazen multi-trillion dollar criminal frauds, and suffer no consequences whatsoever.... The one developed country on the planet which does not allow a publicly funded health-care system which over 60% of its population wants, because the insurance companies and health mercenary organisations who gorge one of the greatest gravy-trains on the planet, will not allow it......the other multi-trillion dollars gravy-train being the Pentagon, CIA etc.. paid for by American taxpayers so American corporations can rape and pillage all over the world, protected by the 'gangsters for capitalism'.
A country which still pretends it is a frontier society, therefore awash in guns so the gun-manufacturers flourish while the NRA prattles about the 2nd amendment...?
In a country like this, is there any surprise that the likes of Paddock should flourish?
Friday, May 26, 2017
The terrorist attack in Manchester in which 22 were killed and dozens more injured has received the publicity it deserves. World leaders, including the British (and Canadian) Queen, have condemned it as a shocking, cowardly and wicked attack. Public reaction included flowers, condolences, candles… Today news covered another attack by ‘armed men’ in Egypt on a bus carrying ‘coptic Christians’, many of whom were children. But CBC news also reported on a US attack on a Syrian site that killed some 35 civilians, including ‘women and children’, perhaps for the first time.
As Western leaders of the G-7 meet in Sicily and also discuss their reaction to the ‘global’ terror threat, it seems appropriate to remember other children who were also ‘murdered’, but whose memory is forgotten, marginalized, or never been reported.
George H. W. Bush (the senior) helped ‘sell’ the 1991 invasion of Iraq (following its invasion of Kuwait) with the story that Saddam Hussein was killing ‘babies’ in Kuwait. His country (aided by the UK) then went on to kill between 500,000 and 750,000 babies in Iraq, with their policy of sanctions called ‘genocidal’ by the 2 British diplomats administering it (who resigned after their protests were dismissed by US Senators with: ‘these men are paid to work, not talk’). Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who was asked in an interview about these infant genocides, replied that it was ‘a price worth paying’.
After the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq (following a decade-plus of ‘sanctions’ and ad-hoc bombings by the US and UK whenever Bill Clinton or Tony Blair needed a boost in their domestic political ratings) ended up with an insurgency/civil war in Iraq, belying Dubya’s declaration of ‘victory’, and cost US taxpayers some $4 trillion or more (also putting - along with the 2008 economic crash caused by the multi-trillion dollar sub-prime fraud for which no one was prosecuted, being ‘Too Big to Jail’ – the US $’s reserve currency status under pressure), President Obama resorted to a ‘no-boots on the ground’ approach to the destruction of the other Middle Eastern countries, called for by the Oded Yinon plan for ‘Greater Israel’ (to incorporate not only Gaza and the West Bank but pieces of other countries like Syria, Jordan and Lebanon), or its US counterpart PNAC – the Project for a New American Century. Through the usual devices available to the global SuperPredator and Terrorist, Libya and Syria have been destroyed. One ‘conspiracy theory’ on the internet calls these events the logical execution of Oded Yinon/PNAC, following the ‘false-flag’ operation 9/11 – the ‘New Pearl Harbour’ that PNAC called for as the trigger. The task of the US and Israel is of course only partly finished.
Millions of Muslims have been murdered a majority of whom almost certainly were women and children; millions more turned into refugees - such as the bloodied Syrian boy who captured Canadian imagination and led to P. M. Trudeau’s acceptance of 25,000 refugees from Syria.
In its buildup to Iraq 2003, the US government boasted about the ‘shock and awe’ its bombings would cause… not reported was that massive numbers of civilians including women and children would be eviscerated as they experienced that ‘awe’. Perhaps the US planners (being Christian) imagined a sort of ‘rapture’ for their victims.
And in keeping with the official ‘saintly’ image of Obama, his weekly drone assassinations (some 400 ‘deadly’ attacks during his 8-years in office) – some taking out entire wedding parties or even funeral processions, were simply blanked out from Western news media.. Thousands if not tens of thousands of ‘Muslims’ including ‘women and children’ were blown off the face of the earth, their lives cruelly and prematurely ended. The half-million women who marched on Washington DC the day of Trump’s inauguration, condemning his ‘grabbing of womens’ genitals’ though it may only have been ‘locker-room talk’, lamented the loss of Obama, apparently having no clue about Obama’s murders of women and children.
As we are living through the return of the ‘Russian threat', though it may only be ‘American propaganda' – actually the inversion of the the American/NATO threat to Russia (since those forces are amassed on Russia's border, not the other way around) – it seems appropriate to remember other ‘murders’ of children on other pretexts. The burning of untold numbers of Vietnamese children with napalm for one, and the unreported dozens of ‘My Lai’ style massacres the US army carried out, following Nobel Peace Prize winner Kissinger’s order to ‘kill anything that moves’, killing old/infirm men, women including pregnant women after raping them, babies...pigs...chickens...anything that moved. Or of the hundreds of thousands of babies born with missing limbs or brains even today, because of JFK’s ‘drenching' of South Vietnam with Monsanto’s Agent Orange, manufactured in good clean, peace-loving Canada. Even though their effects are far more horrible, agonizing and long-lasting than sarin gas, neither napalm nor Agent Orange is called a ‘chemical weapon’, for obvious reasons. Or the thousands of Laotian children killed and at risk from the millions of unexploded US bombs that litter the country.
Or on another note, the murder (reported by Miko Peled, son of one of the generals who helped create the state of Israel , but not covered by Western media) – of hundreds or thousands of Gazan children on whom Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu dropped hundreds of tonnes of phosphorus bombs at 11.30 am, the moment when Gazan school-children change shifts, so that the maximum number of them are on the streets.
But in these remembrances of murdered ‘children’ one should not forget ‘fathers’ - especially the ‘founding fathers’ of ISIS – including the prosecutable Tony Blair, and his unprosecutable US masters.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Huffington Post reports that Canada is proceeding to host talks on the TPP, in an undisclosed location in Toronto, even though the US has apparently withdrawn from it. The location is secret for obvious reasons – because the talks are certain to attract protest from activists and hopefully the public.
The 6000 page text of the TPP was drafted by corporate lawyers in secret. No public input was either solicited or allowed. Not even members of Parliaments of the concerned countries had input. This alone should have raised RED FLAGS… But in the corporate-owned news media that dominate the West, these basic facts are not given coverage. Their ‘fake news’ hype continues to call it a ‘trade deal’, in furtherance of ‘free trade’. There is nothing ‘free’ about it except for the principal beneficiaries of the deal – big corporations, who by its terms will put the economies affected (including Canada) into a Corpo-Rat straitjacket.
This deal (part of a TRIAD including the European TTIP, and the global TISA) is the resurrection of the hated MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) which was scuttered by strong public protests (Paris and Seattle?). The MAI at least had the decency to label itself what it was – an Investor Rights Agreement – not a ‘trade deal’. By falsely labelling the TPP a ‘trade deal’, both the media and governments are misleading the public. Lowering tariffs is a very tiny part of this deal, which is calculated to squeeze the life out of what little remains of national sovereignty after decades of successful neo-liberalism, or what should be regarded as the economics of fraud and theft. It is designed to maximise the power of big corporations to plunder national resources, destroy environments (land, water, air), and exploit labour by continuing the devastation of unions. If nation-states do not comply with corporate demands, they will be on the hook for massive damage claims for lost future profits that the concerned corporations will claim, and which will be adjudged not by national courts, but by private arbitration panels made up of the same corporate lawyers who principally drafted the near-6000 page text, kept secret from the public (except where pieces and fragments have been made public by the courage of Wikileaks) and even members of Parliaments. As one tiny example, the town of Erin voted recently on a proposal to slightly raise the infinitesmal price it charges Nestle for water which the company sells at huge profits to the public. Such liquidation of resources has been happening all over the US, as reported by Mark Zepezauer in his book 'Take the Rich off Welfare'.
This is a damning piece of work by the Canadian government, to proceed with the TPP instead of embracing (warmly) the opportunity to smash it given by Donald Trump's executive order.
Blame must also be assigned to activists on the left who have relentlessly attacked Trump for issues of political correctness, while ignoring the three areas of positive possibility offered by him: improved relations with Russia and the dialling-down of the awesome danger of a terminal war, the promise to retract trillions of dollars of expenditure on never-ending war-crimes abroad, and to kill the dangerous TPP. The first possibility has already been smashed by the ‘Deep State’ with its successful (and largely fraudulent) claims of Russian hacking; the US is the biggest hacker of the entire planet’s population as revealed by Snowden, has the biggest cyberwarfare budget, and a history of destroying democracy around the planet, and within its own borders with Citizens United. (The Democratic Party itself sabotaged the chances of Bernie Sanders in favour of Hillary Clinton)…The ouster of Flynn for essentially engaging in what used to be considered diplomacy – talking to a foreign government - has been a major step. This led naturally to the killing of the second possibility which also was a big threat to the war-mongering Deep State, and the massive weapons industry. That leaves the TPP. Truly an uninformed public needs to awake and protest this serious threat to their economic interest….and hopefully lead to the crumbling of the related TTIP and TISA as well.
Friday, February 3, 2017
Since the election of Donald Trump to the White House, and his recruitment of several extremists in his cabinet and advisers, there has been a sharp rise in racist temperament especially against Muslims, and now we have had the murderous attack on mosques in Canada. The Canadian government – unlike the US government in similar cases such as the 2012 mass-murder in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin – labeled the attack(s) as a ‘terrorist’ one, even though the perpetrators were not Muslim. In the US, terrorism is whatever the government calls it, and tends to focus on ‘radical Islam’. So when white men create carnage and terror with automatic weapons in public places like cinemas (for example), or black churches, that is not ‘terrorism’, because the interests of powerful lobbies like the NRA are at stake.
In reports and the funeral ceremony in Montreal yesterday, references were made to social media influencing the perpetrators, and inflaming their ‘ignorance’. But the main source of Islamophobia remains strangely unidentified. Put it simply, it is the major Western news media, which takes it lead from the US, ‘echoing’ the US line.
The worst attack attributed to Muslims is 9/11, which killed less than 3000 people. Hundreds of millions of American and non-American citizens remain skeptical about the 9/11 Commission report. All manner of plausible theories abound on the internet; from claims that Mossad agents lined the World Trade Towers with demolition bombs (supported by the collapse of Building 7 which was not hit by a plane), to others that the crater in the Pentagon was not consistent with a 747 airliner hitting it, or that airliners were hijacked but not used in the actual attacks and so on. But they are dismissed as ‘conspiracy theories’, or as they are now called, ‘fake news’.
But who has been the greatest disseminator of fake news, if not the major Western news media? Long before Trump ran for office, the major Western news media has been presenting a ‘fake’ perspective on ‘Islamic’ terrorism. The greatest war-crime of the 21st century – the invasion of Iraq – was carried out with major support for it by Western reporters and editors. The reports of cumulatively hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed and millions turned into refugees, are rarely mentioned. Similarly, the hundreds of thousands destroyed in Afghanistan, done willfully to force the Taliban to hand over Osama bin Laden, or similar numbers of casualties and refugees created by the West’s destruction of Libya and Syria are rarely mentioned in ‘official news’.
These are all ‘Muslim’ victims; literally millions of them. And the perpetrators are Western countries led by the US, which no one bothers to say is the world’s leading ‘SuperPredator’ nation. That it also considers itself a ‘Christian’ country is mind-boggling. ‘No man can have 2 Masters.. it is either God or Mammon’. Yet the world’s leading Mammon-worshipping country is able to pretend in broad daylight that it is a Christian country, while murdering millions of Muslims and non-Muslims with invasions, terror bombings, and black ops (to name a few methods) to maximize its ownership of Mammon, while successfully portraying itself as the victim of 'radical Islam',which it calls the greatest threat to civilization.
But it is really ‘radical Christianity’ which is, and has been for centuries, the greatest threat to the planet, now literally threatening its existence with climate change and nuclear holocaust. ‘Capitalism’ is merely the latest incarnation, earlier ones being ‘white man’s burden’, ‘mission civilisatrice’, and ‘Manifest Destiny’. The worst elements of colonialism and imperialism – the work of ‘Christian’ countries – remain alive through open and secret wars in some 138 countries. But we are rarely told the ‘true’ facts. And this infects the seemingly best of our journalists as well. After the Paris attacks which killed 129 some while ago, Western journalists including Canada’s Peter Mansbridge went to Paris to pontificate about the ‘horrors’ of those attacks, and the earlier ones on Charlie Hebdo. Has Mansbridge or any Canadian news anchor, ever used the word ‘horrors’ to describe Western bombing of Muslim countries? If 129 dead is a horror, what words would suffice to describe the murder of hundreds of thousands, or of millions? ‘The horror, the horror’, of a sick, diseased Western civilization which has murdered millions of Muslims, not in a ‘clash of civilizations’, but because the biggest oil reserves on the planet are located in Muslim countries, but successfully pretends it is under attack from ‘radical Islam’.
The so-called terrorist attacks by misguided Islamists outraged by the monstrous crimes committed against their countries are but pitiful pin-pricks of retaliation compared to the Western crimes which provoked them. Sadly, so long as the West continues its depradations, so will the pin-pricks continue. The Western news media understand their role – to focus on the pin-pricks, while rarely mentioning the catastrophes which provoked them, except as noble or well-intentioned mistakes.
What is this, if not fanning the flames of Islamophobia? No one asks the relevant questions…for example, was Charlie Hebdo journalistic satire? What is to be gained by portraying the Islamic prophet in demeaning fashion? What has he to do with current events? Why ignore so many far more deserving targets – such as the PIGS on Wall Street who have destroyed the middle class in the West? Or the corporate anus-lickers who wrote Citizens United? Or more significantly – are there Muslim armies in Western countries? Why are Western armies in Muslim countries? Western crimes against Islam go back to the Sykes-Picot agreement and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, and include the 1953 Iranian coup. In a prime-time discussion with other journalists, Mansbridge referred to ISIS's references to these historical facts as 'propaganda'.... for obvious reasons, to falsify history... and delegitimize Islamic grievances.
There is plenty that is ugly and hateful about the words and actions of Trump and his camp. But the roots of Islamophobia lie in American Empire, or as it should be called –‘radical Capitalism’. Trump’s travel ban for Muslims entering the US from 7 countries is being debated. Not debated is the real and terrible plight of Muslim (and other) nations, which have no practical way of banning the travel of American armies, bombs, Navy Seals, and drones. The world remains at the mercy of the SuperPredator nation.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Attached is a 407 bill. I accidentally entered the 407 and departed it at the next exit. The bill shows a Toll charge of 46 cents, plus trip toll charge of $1, plus camera charge of $4.05, plus account fee of $3.75, for a total of $9.26. That's an impressive statement of 'efficiency' by the private sector. Efficiency at maximising private profit at citizenry cost.
The last few decades have been described as the neo-liberal assault on populations and democracy. It might equally be called the Economics of Fraud and Theft, a fundamentalist 'religion' called the 'free market'. Free for whom? For the 0.1% and their slaves? The major components of this religion included privatisation of public property in different parts of the world, including of resources like water, on the theory that the public sector is inefficient and the free market will do better. From the cost of the subway in London, England, to the cost of electricity in Ontario, to private medical care in the US this is undeniably a scam. Everywhere private sector costs are grotesquely higher, and massive thefts of public property took place at bargain prices, creating the billionaire class of oligarchs who rule most Western countries and Western-influenced countries like Russia.
A second leg of this religion was deregulation - to 'free the business class from red-tape and encourage innovation'. This reached ultimate heights in the unregulation of derivatives, where regulation was stopped on inception. A quadrillion dollars of derivatives contracts is estimated to exist on the balance sheets of American banks, and despite clever mathematical formulas suggesting precision, no one can really estimate the degree of risk and fraud they contain. Hence, despite the multi-trillion dollars of 'quantitative easing' (creating money from thin air by privately owned central banks led by the Federal Reserve), 'liquidity' remained elusive. Deregulation and the gutting of the SEC led to innovations like securitization (the creation of dangerous instruments like CDOs which destroyed mortgage audit trails, allowed the sale of trillions of dollars of junk CDOs bearing fraudulent AAA ratings, because billions of dollars in commissions and fees were earned by Wall Street). Financial officers openly spoke of 'off-balance sheet financing', or violating the requirement of 'full disclosure' on balance sheets. This part of the religion relies on 'self-interest' leading to optimal solutions.... as if eliminating traffic rules, speed limits and police would lead to safer and more optimal driving because every driver's self-interest would guarantee it.
Dr. Chomsky has challenged the 'free-market innovation' assumption, stating that most of the major components of the post-industrial economy like the computer, the internet, wi-fi, smart phones, and so on, were developed at public cost and risk, in institutions like MIT funded by the taxpaying 99%, but the benefits went elsewhere. But economics students were consistently led to parrot the idea that 'public investment crowds out private investment'.
A third leg was 'supply-side economics'. .... The Trudeau government pulled off a minor revolution when it campaigned on tax increases. Since Reagan however the mantra continued virtually unabated that tax cuts for the rich would lead them to invest and this would create 'trickle-down' jobs. But the Laffer curve was another fraud, as the super-rich took the cuts and then disinvested, dismantling manufacturing in major Western economies and moving it to cheap-labor countries, citing 'market forces' and 'globalization'. Why isn't there a movement to reclaim the falsely earned tax cuts back? In the UK in particular but generally in the West, working-class people were encouraged to invest in speculative things like stocks and real estate to distract attention from their stagnant or declining wage.
The attack on the deceased Keynes and his replacement by the ‘monetarist’ Milton Friedman almost certainly was ideological. Keynes counselled putting money in the hands of the 99%, who would spend it on the necessities of life. This created the post-WW2 social welfare states, which stuck in the craw of the super-rich, who could not stand the notion of a middle class earning a decent wage. So they set about destroying it, following the advice of the 'Powell memorandum'. Friedman's monetarist theory of growth of money supply a point or so ahead of inflation has been proven to be a 'false doctrine', as credit creation by the Fed proceeds in ways intended to create and support bubbles, with inevitable crashes.
A major unasked question is why are the Federal Reserve, the IMF and most central banks privately owned, and why is the identity of the owners secret? Why do private bankers have the license to print/create money from thin air, and then charge the public interest? How much of today's government debts and deficits would vanish if this license (protected by the world's greatest weapons of mass destruction and deception) were to be taken away, and returned where it arguably belongs - in the hands of 'the people'.
And no modern economic theory concerns itself with the Economics of Armed Robbery aka Empire.... the use of weapons, armed forces, and 'intelligence agencies' to allow powerful nations to rob and plunder the weak. Perhaps that's what the 'free' market refers to - the freedom of the Empire to do what it wants. To be fair though, the US-UK 'Ivy League' (Harvard, Oxford, etc.) do refer to the strange 'resource curse' which causes countries possessing oil, gold, minerals etc. to plunge into an abyss which the wonderful West then miraculously benefits from..... the unofficial activities of the 'Christian' West in engendering these events by inciting civil wars, insurgencies, toppling of democracies, bribing and arming military or non-military insurrections, etc., do not form part of the profession of economics, which requires its adherents to spend years in the study of exquisite mathematical models leading to 'equilibrium', based on assumptions (rationality, 'efficient markets', etc) which have no equivalence in reality.
A 407 BILL.pdf
Friday, January 6, 2017
Since the Trump election, a major news media allegation has been that ‘fake news’ interfered with the electoral process, and further that ‘Russian hacking’ helped defeat Hillary Clinton. Today’s declassified ‘intel’ report cites the ‘clear preference’ of Putin for Trump, but keeps the ‘damning evidence’ secret, presumably for national security reasons.
Leading the drumroll for aggressive punishment of Russia for ‘undermining democracy’, is Senator John McCain, who says this was an ‘act of war’. He is of course, an ‘honorable man’, like the others in the US government who dismiss Russia as a ‘gas-station economy’ the ‘size of Italy’s’. McCain once made jokes about bombing Iranians. In 2008 in one of his presidential debates with Obama, he repeated the claim of the holiest of recent US Presidents (Reagan), that publicly funded health-care would be ‘like communism - with the state telling you which doctor you can use’. 35 million Canadians and hundreds of millions of Europeans know how exceptionally true these claims are.
Such honorable men (and women – Clinton, Rice, Albright) also led the drum-roll for the invasion of Iraq, not very long ago, on charges of ‘weapons of mass-destruction’ (WMD), which then morphed into ‘installing democracy’ when none were found. Some may even recall the ‘evidence’ presented by Colin Powell in the UN in support.
Despite references to 'weapons of mass deception' at the time, Oxford did not invent the phrase ‘Post-Truth’ then; only after Trump was elected, against odds and polls; and the wishes of the 'elites', aka the 'Deep State'. Perhaps ‘social media’ was not as strong in 2003. But it seems the real complaint by the major corporate news media is that they no longer have what they have long had – a monopoly. Now there is a serious competitor. Dozens of tomes written by the likes of Dr. Chomsky on what he politely calls the ‘propaganda system’, about the misrepresentation of the role of the US and its allies in the world, at the behest of a few super-rich families and huge corporations, are rarely mentioned in major news outlets – so they must be ‘fake’. (Oxford and its ilk, of course, understand their role in the Empire which replaced the British one.)
Trump responds that charges of Russian hacking are a ‘witch-hunt’ by sore losers. While that may be true, the real motives appear to be much deeper-rooted. What Eisenhower called the ‘military-industrial complex’, and early 20th century General Smedley Butler called ‘racketeering for capitalism’ remains a huge and powerful force in US politics. Inventing external enemies is key to justifying half the planet’s expenditure on WMD by the US. After the USSR fell, the war on terror replaced it. Now there is a secret war over the future of the US dollar, the enormous debt accumulated by the US government, financed by Petrodollars (and post-2008 the creation of trillions of $ from thin air, called 'quantitative easing'), which has generated pushback from those who resent this grotesquely ‘exorbitant privilege’
But there is not much news coverage about this secret war, except in ‘fake news’. So let’s review some of the fake news that has successfully been censored by the responsible and ethical major news media of the West (allegedly corporate-owned).
1. That the US and its allies have killed not just hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan, but cumulatively (including through ‘genocidal’ sanctions) – millions. That Obama’s drone assassination victims number over 80,000 including 8 wedding parties. Both those claims were made by Physicians for Social Responsibility in the US, Canada and Germany, but were blanked out. Imagine for instance the hysteria in major news outlets if ISIS had taken out 1 Western wedding party.
2. That the US and its allies have secret wars in 138 countries, including several in Africa, and this is the source of the 60 million refugees today. That’s from, who also report that every Western bomb blows off heads, arms, legs of women, children, men…. Again no reference in Western news sources to these matters, except to civilian casualties by Russian bombings in Syria. Presumably Russia does not have the ‘smart-bombs’ of the US, which refuse to explode when they hit civilians.
3. The most outlandish of fake news claims on the internet must be that the Federal Reserve, IMF and most central banks are not state-owned, but privately owned banks, and that these invisible bankers have orchestrated wars for centuries, including the world wars and most recently the destruction of Iraq, Libya and Syria because their leaders did not want to sell their countries’ resource (oil) in US dollars. Now we all know for sure that these are simply conspiracy theories, don’t we?
4. Equally outlandish must be the reports including by John Pilger, that NATO's buildup of armed forces on the Russian border is the greatest since Adolf Hitler; or that Obama's 'pivot to Asia' likewise is an unprecedented buildup of naval forces, bases and weaponry designed to provoke, intimidate and potentially strangulate China, including massive arms budgets in Australia and Japan for the same reason.
It goes without saying that claims that Brexit and the Trump victory represent 2 revolts by peoples angry at the ‘neo-liberal’ assault against those populations and their democracy are nonsense. True, ‘populism’ raises its ugly head now and then (will the 'stupid and ignorant herd' never learn?). But the real enemy is external, and the world’s greatest defender of freedom and democracy is of course the USA. The revelation of embarrassing information through wikileaks is the assault on democracy; concealment would have defended it. Blaming Putin helps deflect attention from the reasons for Trump’s victory, and other pesky things like Citizens United, which could be called the US Supreme Court’s support for plutocracy, and attack on democracy.
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