Thursday, May 29, 2008


As reported in this blog a few months earlier, McCain is a meaner, badder version of Bush Jr.... and a bigger threat to international peace.

It would appear his gunslinger image however, is beginning to hurt McCain's Presidential hopes, or so he now thinks. So he has now begun to back away from his earlier statements to stay in Iraq for 'a hundred years'...

A couple of weeks ago, he talked about a US pullout of Iraq within 15 years.....a few days ago, in what was reported as McCain's attempt to distance himself from the despised Bush Administration, he publicly ruminated about how the American people were 'sick and tired of the war in Iraq'.

But can he be this a genuine about-face of someone who has realized he has been wrong, or simply a political reversal which no reasonable person should trust.

Somehow I think this guy has war-mongering, US bullying, and war-criminality in his DNA.....three decades after Vietnam, he had no shame about the US's role in it and the murder of 4 million South East Asians.....

Can his new views on Iraq be trusted...? I think not.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Just before the Pennsylvania primary, Hilary decided to up the ante against Barack Obama. In tactics used successfully by Bush Jr. in 2004, she played the 'fear' card, and publicly threatened to 'obliterate' Iran with nuclear weapons, if Iran ever attacked Israel with them. The statement was accompanied by TV ads showing images of 911, Pearl Harbour and so on.

Hilary's tactic worked - she won Pennsylvania. But her statement showed what a contemptible and dangerous proceeding the US Presidential elections have become. Promising to commit war-crimes in the name of 'security' has apparently become essential to winning the White House.

So far Obama has resisted such loathsome tactics....but for how long will he be able to? The American people's ignorance of history (complete absence of memory) has already been noted by writers such as Gore Vidal. Both Pearl Harbour and 911 were avenged a thousand times over by incomparably worse crimes by the US....and both were provoked by American policies as well...but such subtleties are irrelevant to an ignorant people dulled by incessant propaganda, alcohol, sports and sitcoms, Bible-thumping, and the arrogance of being the world's most powerful and murderous nation. They ought to reflect on the promise that those who exalt themselves will be humbled...but then America is a nation of liars who imagine themselves Christian while pursuing Mammon at all costs including the murder of millions of foreigners...

Hilary soiled herself with her threat against Iran.....and was obliged to modify her statement after Iran rightly complained to the UN....and of course, Hilary declined to mention, as do none of the US luminaries of the media and academia, that Iran has yet to build a bomb, whereas Israel already has a couple of hundred BOMBS which can easily vaporize Iran....

Once a champion of universal medicare, Mrs. Clinton has descended to the slimy and criminal tactics of the incumbent of the White House....power corrupts, and so does the lust for it...


A few days ago, just before Iranian President Ahmadinejad was due to visit India, the US instructed India to remind Ahmadinejad of the Security Council's concerns about Iran's alleged nuclear ambitions. The Indian reaction was swift and blunt.

India told the US it did not 'need guidance' from the US on matters of foreign policy, and that it pursued its own foreign policy. Some of this was driven by internal politics of course - the Indian government is a coalition including the leftist CPM party, which (justifiably) despises the US's actions in Iraq and other places.

But the sharp rejoinder should inform the US that it cannot dictate to the rest of the world - even if it succeeded in setting up Saddam Hussein in 1991, then used his resulting 'pariah' status to criminally invade and occupy Iraq in 2003. Its policies are hated in many parts of the world, and its ability to 'bribe and bully' nations into toeing its nakedly imperialist neo-colonial and neo-liberal line is limited to tiny nations, excepting similarly crooked ones like the UK.

Other factors are at work as well of course. The US's hatred of Iran flows principally from Iran's rejection of US intimidation, and also Iran's preference to sell its oil for euros, not the declining US dollars. India also is negotiating an oil pipeline with Iran, to pass through Pakistan and Afghanistan....even the tiny island of Sri Lanka, which has much to fear from the US, has maintained its relations with Iran, because of the oil connection...

Inside the bizarre bubble of the North American media of course, the US is the world's cradle of 'democracy'. They rightly criticise China for its occupation of Tibet, but cannot bring themselves to slam the US and UK for the similarly criminal occupation of Iraq, nor condemn equally criminal plans against Iran.