Friday, October 6, 2017

The Las Vegas Massacre

The Las Vegas massacre has led to much official soul-searching about the motive of the perpetrator. How could such a heinous crime occur in Bible-thumping, Jesus-loving Christian America, which stands for freedom, human rights and democracy? Patrick Buchanan on his website talks about the 'dead soul of Paddock'.... but isn't that dead soul is a molecule of the dead soul of America itself? Mr. Buchanan says Paddock killed those many people virtually for sport.... but there is plenty of American government precedent for that. In the UN-US war against North Korea in 1950, for instance, the US flattened North Korean cities, killing about 20% of that country's population, something the major news media never mentions in its rants about the North Korean leader. Or that it is the US army which has stood on his country's border, threatening it again for the past 67 continuous years... two-thirds of a century! When the bombers in 1950 ran out of targets - literally - they destroyed North Korea's dams, flooding that country's agriculture and horticulture - decimating it. And the US pilots who did this were exultant - boasting about 'kicking ass'.... Similar crimes were committed with similar glee in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and many other countries. Prior to the catastrophic invasion of Iraq in 2003 for instance on false pretences, the US government openly bragged about the 'shock and awe' its carpet bombing with thousands of B-52s, would inflict on Iraq.... the murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians, a majority being women and children, was not mentioned or ever reported in Western news media. Wikipedia reports that 80 million unexploded American bombs remain in Laos, regularly blowing up children. During WW2 in Japan, one of the great sociopaths of modern history - Curtis Lemay - burned some 67 Japanese cities to the ground (virtually - on average 50%) - leaving only Hiroshima and Nagasaki intact for the atomic bombs.... unnecessary as Japan was completely surrounded and wanted to surrender. But the myth of Japanese soldiers willing to sacrifice themselves to defeat an American invasion was used to justify Lemay's crimes. And the Bible-thumping President Truman ordered Fat Man and Little Boy dropped purely to send a message to the Soviet leader Stalin that the US was the undisputed boss of the planet. And two-thirds of a century later, American leadership still talks about the 'day of infamy'... in last year's visit to the USA by the Japanese PM, it was he who offered condolences for the 2400 souls lost in Pearl Harbour; Obama did not offer any for the hundreds of thousands or more Japanese souls killed in retaliation. 72 years later, after avenging Pearl Harbour a hundred times over, US leaders still froth at the mouth about the ‘day of infamy’. What words can suffice to describe the criminality and blood-lust of such people, or 'the horror, the horror', that they constitute the elites who control the world's SuperPredator, the SuperTerrorist..? In their “Project for a New American Century”, Cheney and Rumsfeld spoke openly of the need for a ‘New Pearl Harbour’, which would accelerate their plans to destroy the Middle East, take control of the massive oil reserves owned by Muslim countries, and incorporate major sections of them into a ‘Greater Israel’. The evidence is now overwhelming - beyond any reasonable doubt - that neocons Cheney and Rumsfeld planned and carried out 9/11, aided by NYC mayor Giuliani who had the massive debris evidence (full of top-secret US army material nanothermite which turned the WTC towers to dust) carted away within hours from 'Ground Zero' (before travelling to the UK to receive his 'Commander of the British Empire' medal); that cruise missiles photoshopped to look like airliners were used in the attacks which occurred in a country with the most sophisticated air-defence systems ordered to 'stand down'; and the blame put on Arabs who simply could not have piloted massive airliners with their minimal flight-school training on tiny planes, or undertaken the 'fighter-jet' like contortions the alleged planes did, etc etc.... so that their "Project for a New American Century', replicating the Oded Yinon plan for 'Greater Israel', could be carried out, along with the assault on civil liberties launched by the 1200-page "Patriot Act', miraculously produced within hours of 9/11, and in that paranoid atmosphere, easily stuffed down the throats of Congress...... so that the murder of hundreds of thousands (by now millions) of Muslims could be carried out, and their countries destroyed, their oil stolen.... In a country like this, is there any surprise that a dead soul like Paddock would be produced, when its top government officials, its highest ranking judges, are among the worst criminals in history. American crimes since 1945 easily rival if not exceed those of the Nazis. But the world's single Tyrannosaurus-Rex keeps crying wolf to deflect attention from its own crimes. Like the murder of thousands or tens of thousands of civilians, women, children, wedding Obama's weekly drone assassinations - never covered by official Western news media. One obstacle to the global empire ambitions of the neo-cons is Russian President Putin, who unlike other Western leaders, will not take American orders, or stand by helplessly as the neo-cons plot the destruction of his country and the theft of its massive resources. The entire 'Ukraine crisis' is a brazen inversion of the facts - that the Obama administration carried out a violent coup d'etat in Kiev to remove a Russia-friendly leader and instal a US puppet, in support of massive American investments (the biggest one led by Joe Biden's son) in Ukrainian oil and gas fracking. Or that if Putin had not annexed Crimea, formerly part of the USSR, US-controlled NATO would have set up a naval base at the only warm water port available to Russia. Another obstacle is the growing economic power of China, and China's 'New Silk Road' project to transform 'Eurasia'.... So China, Russia, and India are conspicuously omitted from the great 'trade agreements' planned by Obama, unquestionably one of the greatest actors (as in Hollywood) in history. Except they are not trade agreements, but 'corporate-rights agreements' - decimating the rights of nation-states and populations to safe, clean environments and societies, so their resources can be plundered by the American (and European corporations)that will face no obstacle if such agreements are installed. The last year has been dominated by hysteria about 'Russian interference' in the US election. Not a word about the American destruction of democracy in dozens of countries since 1945 - assassinations, CIA operations, terror crimes, death squads - still going on in 137 countries around the globe, creating the 60 million refugees in the planet today, but never reported in the major corporate owned media. Or of the brazen American interference in Russian elections, so a drunken stooge (Yeltsin) in the pockets of Wall Street could be installed, a fact openly boasted about on the cover of Time magazine? Followed by the liquidation/theft/privatization by Wall Street, of trillions of dollars worth of Russian resources...but not one that sated American greed. Inline image 1 Or the continued denial of climate change by the Republican party, despite clear incontrovertible evidence which most recently destroyed 90% or more of Puerto Rico, and islands owned by France and Holland. In the 1970 Godfather movie, the leading mafioso is described as 'carrying the judges and politicians of New York in his pocket, like loose change'. The 0.01% who carry the top judges and politicians of America in their pockets are not mentioned... like the 5 American Supreme Court 'justices' who wrote Citizens United..... Those liquidators of democracy (into plutocracy) were the same ones who also attacked American democracy in 2000, installing the 21st century's worst war-criminals into the White House, against the wishes of the American people. Their judicial hands are also stained with the murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans... But these basic facts are never mentioned in the hideous hysteria about Russian hacking - or that the US is itself the greatest hacker of the entire planet.... a country where the leading financiers of war-crimes can carry out brazen multi-trillion dollar criminal frauds, and suffer no consequences whatsoever.... The one developed country on the planet which does not allow a publicly funded health-care system which over 60% of its population wants, because the insurance companies and health mercenary organisations who gorge one of the greatest gravy-trains on the planet, will not allow it......the other multi-trillion dollars gravy-train being the Pentagon, CIA etc.. paid for by American taxpayers so American corporations can rape and pillage all over the world, protected by the 'gangsters for capitalism'. A country which still pretends it is a frontier society, therefore awash in guns so the gun-manufacturers flourish while the NRA prattles about the 2nd amendment...? In a country like this, is there any surprise that the likes of Paddock should flourish?