Saturday, November 11, 2017


The allegations which started against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein have turned into a veritable tsumami of allegations against men everywhere, regardless of place or position. The unspoken assumption is that the truth about men as devils and women as angels is finally coming out. And surely it is long overdue to cast a dissenting voice..? This hideous hysteria about predatory men taking advantage of 'helpless' women has gone on long enough, and frankly is not new. The spate of allegations against some possibly predatory men - no denying they are out there - conveniently supports the illusion and false ideology that all men are predators and all women victims, an ideology that is wicked and unjust. There are plenty of women who are hateful, malicious predatory vermin - whether they are the gold-digging type, or the ones who bully, nag, hen-peck and dominate their male partners, but especially the ones who make false allegations of rape, assault or sexual harassment knowing the current judicial/legal system will act on them Going back thousands of years to Samson, we know how the most powerful man was brought down by the clever Delilah... plenty such examples exist in history. But restricting oneself to modern instances, let's consider the recent Canadian case of Jian Ghomeshi - whose career was destroyed by predatory women who hunted him for his celebrity...throwing themselves at him because of it, much like teeny-boppers have thrown themselves at rock-stars for generations.... If men are turned on by female beauty, women are turned on by proximity to power, celebrity, status, and of course, money and the toys it buys... Women play the passive-aggressive game, always ready to accuse men if men don't dance to their tune exactly as ordered. And the story of their male victims remains untold, repressed, buried by official adherence to the ideological narrative. The clever Ms. DeCoutere claimed she did not remember cuddling with the man who supposedly 'choked' her, or writing him she 'loved his hands' and wanted him to 'f..k her brains out'. But nothing has happened to her despite this brazen and malicious perjury which could have put Ghomeshi in jail for decades. Going on... let's look at the great actress Meryl Streep, winner of many Oscars.. she deserves another one for claiming she was unaware of Harvey Weinstein's conduct (assuming the allegations against him are founded)... really.... hadn't she heard of the century old 'casting couch'? And Ryan Gosling - the macho ex-Canadian hunk ....hasn't he had Hollywood starlets or fans throw themselves at him..? Did he perhaps speak out under pressure or threat of allegations that might otherwise surface - true or not? Of course there is another side altogether - of women who destroy the lives of men with false allegations - whether of rape or assault or sexual harassment, such as in the Ghomeshi case. And the biased system of injustice in North America allows such men no recourse whatsoever... no punishment for female perpetrators and no compensation for their male victims. While there may have been abuses by men specially in places like Hollywood, the reality in the real world outside it is often different. Even illiterate immigrants in Canada know they can have their husbands thrown in jail on accusations which may have zero basis in fact. Police have been indoctrinated in North America to arrest the man in any domestic dispute, regardless of the evidence. Some years ago, Vancouver police infamously and criminally beat up an innocent Vietnamese man after receiving a 9-11 call; CBC only called it a case of 'mistaken identity', not criminal assault by police. In the US a decade ago, a heated argument at a motel between a football player and his wife resulted in his arrest, over the protests of his wife who pleaded she had physically assaulted him. When evidence plays no role, it is not justice but ideology that is operating. These matters go far beyond 'harassment' of the male victims - whose lives are devastated or destroyed by a cruel and malicious system of injustice. In the GTA a few years ago, 2 South Asian doctors were accused of sexual assault by a woman they picked up in a bar, who decided in the morning to accuse them (the 'morning after' syndrome); their faces and names were broadcast on TV and print, the alleged victim remaining anonymous. After a female judge threw out her rape allegations, there were neither consequences for the accuser, nor redress for her male victims who were scarred for life. And it is well known in Canadian family courts that women have been falsely accusing their estranged spouses of child abuse to get custody, but this persistent perjury has not resulted in consequences for them. Women are emboldened to make false accusations by such a system, which has no basis in law, but is clearly an ideology designed to humiliate and demoralize men, for reasons that surely have to do with the neo-liberal destruction of millions of manufacturing jobs, mostly male jobs.... because the ideology is a flagrant rape of both natural justice, and the Canadian Charter S. 15's guarantee of equal treatment before the law. But our judges take their direction from the great neighbour to the south, whose Supreme Court Canada's 'Chief Justice' Beverley McLachlin once called 'the most important court in the world'. The mighty US knows it faces no external threat, being protected by one-half of the planet's weapons of mass murder, terror, torture and destruction. Only possibly an internal one... to preclude which measures have been enacted, such as the building of 'immigration detention centres', which some have said are proto-concentration camps in the event of a revolt. Where is the massive opioid crisis coming from for instance..? As is typical, Western media discourse excludes the relevant facts and contexts, piously raising questions but burying the answers. When official government policy has been to outsource jobs to benefit a tiny 0.01%, and the rights of men in law brazenly quashed, what must result if not suicides, alcoholism, opioids..? Yes there are male predators, but predators are not exclusively men... there are plenty of female ones as well. They just have different ways of going about it. The penis projects outwards, the vagina inwards... biology has powerful impacts on psychology and behaviour. Women have had thousands of years to develop thousands of tricks they play on men.... in addition to bombarding them with pheromones there are billions of dollars worth of industries dedicated to prettifying women - putting layers of make-up, shaving and waxing ugly hair, shampooing and hair-dos, fashion and clothing, etc... To pretend all of this has nothing to do with attracting male attention is part of the great lie about female victimhood. Yes the workplace has traditionally been dominated by men, but even that is changing rapidly with positions in the federal bureaucracy, even places like firefighting, going to women who may or may not deserve them... in some federal agencies what used to be 80% male positions are now 80% or more manned by women. Like much else in North American society this narrative of male predation and female victimhood has a massive fog of deception, deceit and outright falsehood about it. It would seem more accurate to now call North America the 'home of the Eunuch, land of the John Bobbitt', rather than the brave and free. The judge who dismissed the charges against Ghomeshi called them 'laced with deception'. There is plenty about the official narrative of sexual harassment that is 'laced with deception'.