Thursday, November 8, 2007


The web movie Zeitgeist makes some chilling connections between the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank and wars that the US has engaged in......this is one central bank that is not publicly owned....therefore increases in money circulation are increased loans from the Federal Reserve....costing hundreds of billions in interest to the US taxpayer.....

But more dangerously - the invisible group of international capitalists who own the Federal Reserve have a vested interest in starting and prolonging wars which are very profitable for their friends in the weapons of mass destruction businesses. So the Lusitania was sent into German-patrolled waters to be sunk by U-boats to inflame the American public which was till then reluctant to join the European war back in the 1940's.......Japan was harassed, hounded, embargoed, provoked, threatened with the Pearl Harbor fleet, till it gave in with the fateful attack of which Pres. Roosevelt had plenty of advance warning.......the entire Gulf of Tonkin incident was staged by the US to create a pretext to attack South Vietnam (see Chomsky - the US attacked the Southern Vietnamese and then put in place a regime that it 'protected' from the North Vietnamese....), then hindered the South and helped the North to create a prolonged conflict that made giant fortunes for the invisible decision-making capitalists/bankers, while killing 50,000 Americans and between 3 and 4 million Asians.......

And the so-called mess in Iraq - the insurgency - has been deliberately fomented to give the Americans the excuse to stay there forever.....supported by their partners-in-crime, the British.......apparently 2 SAS guys were arrested shooting civilians while dressed as Arabs - to add to the civil war - British tanks bludgeoned through the walls of the local correction facilities to 'rescue' these SAS scumbags.....

911 was known of in advance, and allowed to happen, in the same tradition as Lusitania, Pearl, and Tonkin, to allow the criminal invasion of Iraq, to be followed by Iran, and much much worse....

And all the while, equally big criminals in the North American media, and some in the academic world, provide the lies, the propaganda, and the drugs (entertainment, sports, ads for alcohol and other consumerist goods), calculated to keep the public in a state of disinformed foolishness......and apathy.....

Sunday, November 4, 2007


It's a clever strategy - employing a Muslim to criticise Muslim actions. In the case of suicide bombings the actions are certainly I cannot disagree with Mr. Mansur's prescription to prosecute those who aid the suicide a deterrent to others.

I cannot however applaud Mr. Mansur's article either - because it fails to condemn so much else that contributes to suicide bombings. What really 'aids' suicide bombers and other 'terrorists' is the much greater TERRORISM of the United States, usually supported by the UK. Mr. Mansur only sees the West as a collection of 'liberal democracies'. He should study history more. He should study how the US was settled by violence in the greatest armed robbery in history,as well as the greatest genocide in history - of the natives. He should take a look at the naked imperialism and neo-liberalism of the West. He should look at the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq, and the plans to occupy or bomb Iran - all for oil. He should consider the plight of millions of Palestinian refugees who remain in camps since sixty years.

What encourages people to destroy themselves in suicide bombs is not promises of 72 virgins in paradise, but frustration and hatred caused by the incomparably greater TERRORISM of the CIA, the US and the UK......and the suffering of people in the hells that these nations have caused on earth for them.

Suicide bombing is not excused by these greater criminals, but can be understood better by looking at them. Mr. Mansur should provide a broader context for his comments - or else face being considered a 'token'......

He should for instance call for a world movement to remove the US from the UN/Security Council, at least until the US accepts the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court....he should condemn the hypocrisy of the US in having petty dictators prosecuted for war-crimes while being above the law itself.....

Saturday, November 3, 2007


The once-mighty dollar has taken a poetic beating. Various causes - a sub-prime mortgage mess, the Iraq invasion, massive tax cuts enriching the already filthily rich financed largely by massive spending cuts harming mostly the poor (robbing the poor to pay the rich), and the US's status as a country awash in international debt - have combined to inflict this 'market discipline' on the US. Is this the beginning sign of the decline of the American Empire? If probably the most powerful empire in history, the US empire will probably also be the shortest-lived in history. Thank you George Bush Jr, Dick Cheney...your brand of crony capitalism and stolen Presidency 'democracy' has played a significant role in this.

But perhaps there are other causes as well.. A quarter century ago, Canada's Denys Arcand in his movie 'Le Declin de L'Empire Americain' mused (through a character of course) about how the decline of past empires had begun with the ascendancy of matriarchs in the said empires, and how that was certainly the case with America. This point had been made (more obliquely) even earlier in the 60's comedy "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World', where the one British character caught up in the mad chase for buried treasure laments about how America was a raving matriarchy ....... that he found intolerable......all this while the timid American co-travelling henpecked husband is bullied by his tyrannical mother-in-law, and a fine police captain (played by an aging Spencer Tracy) is driven nuts and to crime by the insane antics of his daughter and wife....

A few years ago, Mr. Arcand made another brilliantly incisive observation about the nature of American society with his 'Barbarian Invasions', in which the leading character, a dying historian, grieves over the unknown Holocaust of native American peoples, whose lands and lives had been brutally taken from them by barbarian invaders from Europe.........

An American empire founded by barbarians who carried out the greatest armed robbery in history, which has putrified into a matriarchy in which the male establishment is terrorized by feminists, and otherwise been corroded by the neo-imperialist greed of crooked neo-liberal politicians and a complicit media content to broadcast the propaganda of its political masters - it will be just if such an empire crumbles...... and the sooner the better.



The movie 'Rendition' is a fine rendition of the human rights abuses that have taken place in America under the Bush administration since 911. As others have undoubtedly written reviews of this movie, I will mention only what seems to me the Oscar-worthy performance of Meryl Streep (so what's new, eh?) as the CIA executive responsible for 'giving the order' that sends 'terror' suspects to secret prisons around the globe for torture at the US's behest, since (in her words) the 'United States does not torture'. No - the US simply contracts it out, like a good globalizing corporate citizen)...She positively oozes the callousness and self-absorption of the US government representatives who see only the evil of others, not their own.....

But the movie - bearing sharp resemblance to the case of Maher Arar - the Canadian of Syrian origin who was 'renditioned' to Syria for American torture - brings to mind some great Canadian moments.

The obvious one is that of PM Stephen Harper who figuratively gave the 'finger' to the US by providing an official apology and compensation to Arar.... A gigantic gesture that one would consider uncharacteristic of a Conservative Prime Minister. For me a great Canadian moment, exceeded in recent memory only by former PM Jean Chretien's refusal to join the Bush brigade in its war-criminal invasion of Iraq.


Love that woman. I remember her from a hilarious piece Rosie DiManno wrote a few years ago in the Star about the Italian Supreme Court's ruling outlawing bottom-pinching in that country. According to Rosie who had been travelling with Christie in Italy at the time, Christie had been most disappointed when some Italiano had declined to pinch her (Christie's) bottom..... apparently that had been one of the things about Italy Christie had looked forward to before going there..

I love Christie because Christie loves men, and says so - often. Like in her latest book about her trip to the Canadian mission (pun intended) in Afghanistan, reviewed by your columnist Ted Woloshyn in today's Sun, Christie's "always loved men" and she thinks "men are grossly under-rated". Trouble is, Christie's one of a kind - an astounding rarity. In our North American misandrous (which means male-hating according to Prof. Harold Bloom of Yale) society, the norm is for men to be hated, despised, treated as child-abusers, rapists, wife-beaters.....presumed guilty until they are able to prove themselves innocent. And in that most medieval and extreme of practices known euphemistically as 'zero tolerance', their lives are frequently destroyed by mere allegations by women (the hateful kind). Our male establishment has capitulated completely and cravenly to male-hating feminist ideology, and readily makes scapegoats of men to appease the packs of shrieking hyenas posing as feminists. A society of eunuchs and John Bobbitts, scared shitless of feminism. Just look at how police forces have swallowed whole the myth of male aggression while ignoring female violence. Or how the US military, proud of its ability to 'kick butt' anywhere in the world, practically pees in its pants when some female officer cries foul...

Yes I love Christie - she's a darling. She really, really stand up for us abused men......Trouble is no one is the Land of the Eunuch, the Home of the John Bobbitt.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


There's an Abu Ghraib waiting for you, Georgie boy. And for your buddies Dickie, Don and so many others..... and all the Bible-thumping you do won't save you from it.

There's a price to be paid for killing 650,000 innocent people, and for lying about it......the Old Man in the sky is not going to fall for your Southern twang and folksy manner. He doesn't need money and cannot be bribed or bullied. Nor can He be fooled by your fear-mongering and other tricks. He knows what you did and are doing ..... and He's going to deal with you when you kick... and you will kick.....

Then every scream you have caused, every heart-rending scream, every sorrow, every anguish, every sob, every destroyed life, home and family, every torn limb, every bullet-caused wound, every bomb-devastated body, every town and country destroyed, every prisoner tortured in prison, will be brought in evidence before Him against you. And all your false propheteering and Bible-thumping and talk of wars against terrorists will not cut it. See – He knows who the terrorists are..... and He will terrorize them......

So don't have foolish hopes of being forgiven because you claim to be a 'born-again' Christian who loves Jesus......Jesus will shut the door on you, refuse to know who you are....Don't think so? Check out the parable of the 10 virgins - five of them were shut out forever just for failing to keep their lamps lit
.......Your crimes on the other hand.........why shouldn't they cause you to be tortured on an eternal rack in hellfire? At least till you have paid every 'farthing' for the murder, mayhem, loot and rape that you have unleashed in Iraq.

There's an Abu Ghraib with your name and that of your scheming associates on it, in the world to come, count on it.....