Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Haiti was promised $ 5 billion in aid after the earthquake that recently devastated that country. Its needs are three times that, and it has received only 10% of the amount promised, or around a half-billion.

Various activists including Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein, described as ‘leftists’ by those on the right (politically that is, who are typically wrong morally and legally) have written to the government of France asking it to repay the some 90 million francs that were extorted illegally under military threat by France as ‘reparations’ for losses suffered by French landlords during the slave revolution of 1791-1804. In today’s terms that amounts to $17 billion which dovetails nicely with Haiti’s needs.

These activists have only moral authority and public conscience to push the French to accept responsibility and liability. The French government will no doubt receive support from other imperial or neo-imperial governments including the UK and the US. After all, the UK would not want to be pressured into paying back ‘reparations’ it extorted from China during the infamous opium wars, which should really be called opium war-crimes. Nor would the US want to have to compensate the various countries it has invaded, bombed or devastated.

In his recent visit to India, British PM David Cameron responded to a query about the return of the Kohinoor plundered (stolen) from India along with countless other priceless gems, artifacts and other art objects during the Raj by saying the return of such objects would lead to an emptying of British museums. The same logic has been used to deny the return of the so-called ‘Elgin’ marbles to Greece. This is like a Mafioso living in a house full of stolen property justifying keeping the ‘hot’ material since he could not live in an empty house.

The term ‘global justice’ has now entered the lexicon. France has an opportunity to demonstrate if there is any chance of it succeeding.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Actions vs. Words - Letter to the Star

'Actions speak louder than words". So goes the theory. But in the insane world of politically-correct ideology we live in, it seems the opposite is true. Iranian President Ahmadinejad's words about the need for a different 'map' in Palestine following a referendum was seized upon by crooked media people and politicians to paint him as someone who wants to nuke Israel. The facts - that Israel has 200 nuclear bombs that would evaporate Iran before Iran could do anything, or that Israel itself has some 2 million Arabs that Ahmadinejad would have to kill in any such imaginary attack on Israel (those Arabs are human shields that make an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel simply impossible), or that tens of thousands of Iranian Jews have been living in Iran without persecution for centuries - were just swept under the rug.

Here is what Ciamak Moresadegh, chairman of the Tehran Jewish Committee has said: ""If you think Judaism and Zionism are one, it is like thinking Islam and the Taliban are the same, and they are not...We have common problems with Iranian Muslims. If a war were to start, we would also be a target. When a missile lands, it does not ask if you are a Muslim or a Jew. It lands."; which is something those planning an attack on Iran on pretenses as fabricated as those used to invade/occupy Iraq should reflect on.

The current attacks in the media on Libby Davies for dating Israel's occupation to 1948, which is strictly accurate, as it was at that time that European Zionist Jews took over portions of Palestine long uninhabited by Jews by force, is reflective of this insanity. NDP leader Jack Layton ordered Ms. Davies to apologize and she did, and he also issued an explanation or apology to Israel. The fact that the new state of Israel was granted support by the UN, and America's subsequent arming of Israel has created a reality 'on the ground' where it is overwhelmingly superior in every way to the pitiful Palestinians does not alter the fact of excessive Israeli responses (crimes) against the Palestinians including the genocide last year in Gaza, and the latest attacks on ships bearing aid to Gaza.

Israel's actions to render any future Palestinian state unviable continue with settlement-building, but our propaganda system persecutes those who dare to criticise Israel, and seeks to crucify them for words uttered, while ignoring the terrible actions that are going on.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


In 2000, the American Supreme Court, or at least the 5 Republican-supporting ones, prevented a recount in Florida, thus awarding the US presidency to George Bush Jr. Those judges are responsible for the murder of a million Iraqis and the destruction and takeover of their oil-rich country by America.

Campaign finance reform has long been discussed in American politics. It is well-known that corporate contributions finance candidates (presidential, senatorial, congress and gubernatorial) from both major parties, so that both the Republican and the Democratic parties are essentially beholden to corporate largesse, and therefore have similar right-of-center policies. Now the US Supreme Court has thrown a bomb into campaign finance reform by ruling that corporate campaign finance is not only fine, it can be done without limit. In effect the American Supreme Court has not only endorsed the corruption of American politics by corporate money, it has removed all obstacles to such corruption.

That this ruling has come at a time when American banks have brought the international economy into the worst crisis since the Great Depression makes it all the more disgusting. Should any judge be entitled to be addressed 'Your honour' after this?

Friday, January 22, 2010



CBC news has reported a shocking story of a brutal beating by 2 Vancouver police officers who showed up at the home of an Asian-Canadian, Mr. Yao Wei Wu, after 2 am in the morning, and proceeded to simply assault him without any explanation or before asking any questions. They had responded to a phone call from a woman claiming to be beaten by her husband and fearing for her baby. It turned out the police had beaten up the wrong man. The Vancouver police chief showed up at Mr. Wu's house and apologized. Mr. Wu says this is not enough. Absolutely NOT!

CBC news reported this as a case of 'mistaken identity'. But this is far more than that. This is a disgusting sympton of a society gone mad. A society which has swallowed whole male-hating feminist ideology to the point that police officers act as judge jury and executioner, in this case, of an innocent man, for no reason other than that he is a man (in theory) being accused by a woman.

This automatic presumption of guilt defies any tradition of justice or legality and is symptomatic of a police state. This sort of rush to judgment against men being accused by women has become common in Canada, even if this type of ruthless beating is not. Men are routinely treated as guilty if accused of assault (domestic or sexual), rape, or sexual harassment. Male lives are damaged and frequently destroyed before any investigation, often (as in this case) without their input, and almost inevitably nothing happens to women making false allegations.

In this case perhaps there was a genuine assault and a male aggressor (yet to be determined) but the job of the police was to find the right man, and make a lawful arrest, not proceed to criminally assault an innocent person before establishing any facts. Even if they had had the 'right' man, they would have been guilty of criminal assault.

This case has very significant implications. Canadian society needs to take a different approach to its uncritical acceptance of feminist ideology. It is all too easy for women to complain or cry, but police and authorities need to investigate before acting, and any action should be lawful.

The following needs to now happen:

1. The police officers should face charges for criminal assault and discharge from the force.
2. Mr. Wu should be fully compensated.
3. A public inquiry should be held to deal with the problem of rush to judgment against men, and the need to re-establish the principle of presumption of innocence. Too many people in our legal, police and justice systems, as well as in our media, bureaucracies and political parties, are guilty of cozying up to womens' groups (not all of whom incidentally are hostile to men - many are aware of the excesses being committed against men) and ignoring the destruction of men's rights to justice.

The Toronto Star is among those in the media that has published plenty of stories about 'domestic assault' and 'violence against women'. It is now morally obliged to publish this letter and conduct an investigation of this and similar stories of victimized men.

Sunday, January 17, 2010



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish and send it on to anyone who will read it. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities. Can a good Muslim be a good American? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia

Religiously - no. . . Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no . Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews..

Politically - no. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America , the great Satan.

Domestically - no. . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34)

Intellectually - no. . Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression.. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. . . Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation....

Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS

in this country. - - - They obviously cannot be both

'good' Muslims and good Americans.

Call it what you wish, it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future. The religious war is bigger than we know or understand.

Can a muslim be a good soldier???


Haven't read the Koran so will postpone comment. A lot of scripture - including the Bible the Torah, etc. is grotesquely MISINTERPRETED AND MISREPRESENTED. That is how Americans - supposedly 'Christians' - have been the worst war-criminals since the Nazis. They are followed by the now-demoted-to-second-class neo-imperialists the British, and the Israelis - who have violated every commandment of Yahweh in murdering, stealing from, bearing false witness against, and so on - their Semitic brothers - the Palestinians.

The problem is America is populated by arguably the most ignorant people on this planet. I guess that comes from eating billions of McDonald's hamburgers and other junk food (cookies, donuts - seen 'Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay'?) which the great American Satanic corporations have been shoving down their throats for decades, so that obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer afflict the 'greatest nation' on earth.

Just like the Israeli Zionites (and some of them are Zionazis) have abused the scripture to justify their genocides and armed robberies (did you know Israel has 200 nuclear weapons which it can easily evaporate Iran with? But you won't hear that from the lying rats in the American establishment), so did the 'Christians' who settled America by killing untold millions of native Americans to steal their lands - perhaps the greatest Holocaust of all time, vastly greater than the Jewish one - and by kidnapping and enslaving millions of Africans - use the scripture to justify their monstrous crimes. Didn't you know? In those days America was the 'Promised Land' - the 'new Israel' - the 'Zion' promised to Jews in the Bible (never mind that it was nowhere near the Middle East and these settlers were not Jews)..... Now that Zion is in Palestine.

Think about all of this - just read some history books (you may have to read between the lines as university professors have to toe a certain line) and you will see the truth that the lies of American and Zionist controlled media propaganda COVERUP.

Pass this along as well.

As for Islamic 'terrorism', it is no match, and never has been even close to a match, to the TERRORISM and WAR-CRIMES of America and Britain. 911 killed less than 3000 people...... the Americans and British have killed a MILLION people in Iraq alone since 2003, and probably over a hundred thousand in Afghanistan......

The CIA alone is worth a hundred Al-Qaedas..... and has wreaked havoc in dozens of countries around the globe, with its puppy-dog MI-6 (with their SAS and other James Bond type terrorists) tagging along.

Cut the CRAP, and get REAL.

By the way, I am not a Muslim. I was born Hindu and my father converted to Sikhism. I went to a Catholic school in Mumbai. I was raised in India to be suspicious of Muslims; a result of the political manipulation first by the British of 'divide-and rule', and subsequently by subcontinental politicians - who win votes by fanning the flames of Hindu-Muslim hate.

America is not a Christian state... that is a convenient vote-getting tactic the Republican party has been using for decades..... it is a ruthlessly capitalistic country..... Jesus said 'No man can have 2 masters.... it is either God or Money...'... but you wouldn't know that from the multi-millionaire evangelists who peddle Jesus on TV..... The bankers got over a trillion dollars in bailouts.... How much did the victims of Katrina get?

The Haitian earthquake is a mega-billion disaster...... they are getting $100 million..... well one shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.... But how many mega-billions has America made from its neo-imperial policy towards Haiti, which kept the people dirt-poor while enriching obscenely rich people in the US? Do you know the US govt. had the popular Haitian president Aristide kidnapped and removed from Haiti, all because he wanted to bring in a minimum wage?