Sunday, November 4, 2007


It's a clever strategy - employing a Muslim to criticise Muslim actions. In the case of suicide bombings the actions are certainly I cannot disagree with Mr. Mansur's prescription to prosecute those who aid the suicide a deterrent to others.

I cannot however applaud Mr. Mansur's article either - because it fails to condemn so much else that contributes to suicide bombings. What really 'aids' suicide bombers and other 'terrorists' is the much greater TERRORISM of the United States, usually supported by the UK. Mr. Mansur only sees the West as a collection of 'liberal democracies'. He should study history more. He should study how the US was settled by violence in the greatest armed robbery in history,as well as the greatest genocide in history - of the natives. He should take a look at the naked imperialism and neo-liberalism of the West. He should look at the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq, and the plans to occupy or bomb Iran - all for oil. He should consider the plight of millions of Palestinian refugees who remain in camps since sixty years.

What encourages people to destroy themselves in suicide bombs is not promises of 72 virgins in paradise, but frustration and hatred caused by the incomparably greater TERRORISM of the CIA, the US and the UK......and the suffering of people in the hells that these nations have caused on earth for them.

Suicide bombing is not excused by these greater criminals, but can be understood better by looking at them. Mr. Mansur should provide a broader context for his comments - or else face being considered a 'token'......

He should for instance call for a world movement to remove the US from the UN/Security Council, at least until the US accepts the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court....he should condemn the hypocrisy of the US in having petty dictators prosecuted for war-crimes while being above the law itself.....

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