Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Things don't change much in our make-believe 'liberal-democratic' societies - in the guise of freedom the same tyrannies and idiocies go on, as our leaders and establishment eunuchs continue to act as slaves to politically-correct insanities even as proof of divergent opinion exists but is drowned out.

This applies to feminist ideology but also to the enshrinement of Israel in Western establishment opinion as morally sacrosanct, where the lobbying of Zionists drowns out the protest of dissenting Jews. Here is a letter from a dissident Canadian Jewish woman on 'Israeli apartheid':

From: Judy Haiven
Date: Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 2:23 PM
Subject: [IJV-SC] SAIA Anti-Apartheid week and Your censorship of it

Dear President Roseann Runte,

I am a Jewish- Canadian and an academic. I belong to Independent
Jewish Voices which is a cross-Canada Jewish organisation which is
against Israel's illegal and brutal occupation of the West Bank and
Gaza; we also support Palestinian human rights.

I was horrified to read that you and the Provost banned and
confiscated Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) posters at
Carleton University. These posters announced Isareli Apartheid Week.
Whatever you personally might think of Israeli Apartheid, respected
international figures such as Reverend Desmond Tutu and Jimmy Carter
have named it outright and condemned it.

While I, as a Jew, once had qualms about using the term Israeli
Apartheid --I no longer do. This is because especially since Israel's
last war on Gaza mere weeks ago, it has been clear to me and the broad
international community that Israel's deadly attacks were targetted at
defenceless civilians; that Israel destroyed Gaza and its
infrastructure; that Israel killed 1400 people, horribly maimed about
4,000 (a third of the killed and maimed were children) and
deliberately made 9,000 Palestinians homeless. Israel also used
chemical bombs on Palestinians. These are admitted matters of fact,
not fiction.

I am not the source for these reports however the Red Cross, Amnesty
International, Human Rights Watch and B'Tselem (the Israeli
Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories) have
all agreed these murders and maimings and chemical bombings happened,
and that Israel was solely responsible for them.

So it seems Jewish students, or organisations such as the Canadian
Jewish Congress complained about the cartoon on the posters. I
understood they did not like the fact that the fighter aircraft is
about to drop a bomb on a Palestinian child holding a teddy bear. Well
sorry. This just happened IN REALITY, one month ago. Hundreds of
children died and more were terribly maimed and burned. While Israel
can certainly dish it out, Israel cannot "take it." Whenever there is
the slightest criticism of Israel -- its representatives in Canada --
namely the mainstream Jewish Congress or B'nai B'rith -- scream
unfair and demand to close down opposition. Israel's supporters insist
only they have the right to "frame" what is going on. And
unfortunately you -- as the President and the Provost -- fell into the
trap laid by Israel's supporters.

It is very important for students, faculty and the Canadian public to
know the truth about what is going on in Israel and Palestine. These
posters help increase awareness of what Israel is doing "on the

I think you owe SAIA an apology and should return their leaflets.
Their campaign is vital to human rights in Palestine and Israel and
the world over. Don't censor them.

Judy Haiven, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Management
Saint Mary's University
Halifax, NS
Canada B3H 3C3

tel: 902-491-8650
fax: 902-420-5119
home: 902-429-8868

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