Tuesday, April 14, 2009


'Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.' Matthew 7:5.

Much like Iraqi 'weapons of mass destruction', the Western media has swallowed whole the term 'marital rape' supposedly authorized by the new Afghan law without really studying it, and self-righteous editorials condemning 'marital rape' as a proven fact now abound.. In fact, though the (misreported) Afghan legislation would require wives (except in certain circumstances such as menstruation) to submit/consent to sex with their husbands once in four days.

How hateful for a woman to have to have sex with her husband every four days! How barbaric! What a horror!. But really what's barbaric is the way men are treated in Western society.

In Western society, women apparently have no obligations to their husbands who in consequence have no conjugal rights provided by law, whereas wives are entitled to be provided for eternally even if they are committing adultery – sleeping with someone else. Separated former wives must get paid alimony and/or child support, or else the husband can be jailed. But wives who end up with the matrimonial home in 80% of cases, can deny husbands court-ordered visitation (thus also harming their children by denying them fathers) with nary a chance of being punished. As an idiot judge out West put it: “It is not my job to punish women who don't obey visitation orders'; or something to that effect. This is equality?

This is but one symptom of a eunuch society that has sold out men to male-hating feminist ideology.

A few years ago it was common for the Western media to denigrate arranged marriages which are common in India and other 'Eastern' countries. They ought to look at their own history when such marriages were common, or even to their 'modern' system, where so-called 'love' (really lust characterized by plenty of premarital 'research' in bars, one-night-stands and so on, to be followed naturally by extra-marital activity) results in marriages 'till the next argument do us part', after which the 'loving wife' can legally proceed to grab the house and kids, demand eternal financial support, and pepper-spray the estranged husband with false allegations.

Instead of lecturing other societies, the West ought to look at fixing its own system of marriage, which is BROKEN. Children grow up exposed to multiple sex partners of the spouse they happen to be with, and tiny tots are routinely taken into public bath areas where adult members of the opposite sex stand exposed. What a wonderful system, to be shoved down the throats of people around the world!

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