Tuesday, May 19, 2009


On Friday May 15, the National Post published an 'edited excerpt' of Harvard law professor and famed apologist for Israel, to Canada's subcommittee on International Human Rights of the standing committee on foreign affairs and international development

Here is my response, sent to the Post for publication:


1.'The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers'. Shakespeare in Henry The Sixth, Part 2 Act 4, scene 2, 71–78 .

2. Lawyers are liars. Age-old axiom.

Alan Dershowitz enjoys a near-legendary reputation as defender of high-profile (usually rich) clients. He is also a law professor at Harvard. But as Professor Chomsky has written, he is not to be trusted, especially on the question of Israel, and its supposed arch-enemy Iran. The age-old axiom quoted above arises from the centuries-old legal tradition of the 'adversary-system' of justice, by which lawyers with clearly defined interests (of their opposing clients) are allowed to represent (and usually twist) reality to argue a biased point of view, with the judge(s) and jury empowered to separate fact from fiction.

There is plenty of fiction in Professor Dershowitz's statement to the Canadian subcommittee on International Human Rights of the standing committee on foreign affairs and international development. The principal fiction is that Dershowitz takes Ahmadinejad's guilt as proven. A fundamental element of justice is the presumption of innocence. Dershowitz takes the distorted presentation of Ahmadinejad's statements by the American-dominated media as proven facts, rather than the propaganda they are.

It is true Ahmadinejad is virtually alone among international leaders in condemning Israel. But what he has been asking, publicly and repeatedly, is for a referendum of all Palestinian people – including the Israeli Jews from Europe who forcibly conquered (stole) land by displacing the local inhabitants – to determine the future of the political state of Palestine, from which the Zionist state of Israel was brutally created. For this Dershowitz seeks to silence Ahmadinejad, by painting him an 'international criminal' who incites genocide. Ahmadinejad incites no such thing. He calls for a political solution, a referendum. But Israel (and its sponsor America) cannot allow such a referendum for obvious reasons.

Here are some very inconvenient facts the liar Dershowitz fails to mention:

1.It is Israel that possesses over 200 nuclear bombs which can easily evaporate Iran in totality. It owns more nuclear weapons (land, air and sea-based) than Britain and France! Only America, Russia and China own more nukes, and this immense nuclear power Israel is being 'marketed' by the same corrupt and genocidal elite in America that are responsible for 700,000 Iraqi deaths under false pretences, as under threat from a nation that possesses no nukes. As Eric Margolis has argued in American Raj, even if Iran acquires some nukes, it can only be for defensive purposes, as it has no ICBM capabilities and in any event would be completely destroyed by Israel or the US if it attempted an attack on Israel.

It is precisely the American-Israeli axis of evil which seeks to deny Islamic nations access to nuclear energy, that drives ambitions to acquire nuclear bombs. A little like the 'forbidden fruit'. Israel has also been given every biological, chemical and conventional weapon (including the most sophisticated air-force in NATO barring the US) and has used them repeatedly (for decades) to commit genocides against the Palestinians, the most recent example being Gaza, and earlier ones including not only the West Bank, but Lebanon.

2. Many orthodox Jewish rabbi (see worldtorahjewry.com) in New York support Ahmadinejad's denunciation of Zionism, which they say has nothing whatsoever to do with the Jewish religion. They honored him during his 2006 visit to New York and expressed their support, a fact too inconvenient for the major American media to report.

(However, quite naturally many corrupt Jewish priests also exist, infected by Zionism and its powerful allures, principally wealth and power. Zionism is at least as obscene and criminal a perversion of Judaism as Islamic terror is of Islam, or as 'Christianity' has been ever since its founding, down to its latest crime - the invasion and occupation of Iraq by a supposed 'born-again Christian'.

With one crucial distinction: unlike Zionism, Islamic terror is not motivated by greed for lands and resources stolen from or belonging to others, but is a response to American, British and Israeli crimes. Islamic terror seeks justice, which American and British power are denying them, with international institutions like the UN largely helpless.)

America's arming of Israel is only partly at the behest of powerful Zionist lobbies in the US; it has more alarming and devious purposes in keeping Islamic oil flowing to America cheaply – at the point of a gun, the gun being Israel. And of course, Iran itself has been the victim of such imperialist policy since 1953 – another fact which is well-known but which no one talks about. The real facts, as Dr. Chomsky has oft written, are 'off the agenda', which is dictated by the real international criminals, the governments of America, Britain, and Israel. Such naked imperialism may soon plunge this planet in another global war, with consequences that would match our worst fears.

What remains to be seen is if the National Post will print this response. That will depend on whether or not it is owned or controlled by powerful Zionist interests.

Finally - what Dershowitz wants with his anti-Iran rant - is the genocide of Iranian people, through an American-Israeli invasion. America has been openly threatening Iran with obliteration for many years now, with even Democratic candidates like Hilary Clinton joining the chorus, and has also supplied Israel with the latest bombers which Israel has been using to conduct flights along the Iranian border, to rattle and provoke the Iranians.

One major advantage of America's occupying Afghanistan (the other being access to Central Asian oil) would be to 'encircle' Iran. Already threatened by Israel and US-controlled Iraq on the west, Iran would face a 2-front war if the US took over Afghanistan. But these invasion plans would be rendered ineffective if Iran were (like North Korea) to acquire a nuclear deterrent. But all of this is outside the biased purview of the loathsome liar Dershowitz. By his own argument, it is he who deserves to be prosecuted for inciting genocide.

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