Saturday, January 23, 2010


In 2000, the American Supreme Court, or at least the 5 Republican-supporting ones, prevented a recount in Florida, thus awarding the US presidency to George Bush Jr. Those judges are responsible for the murder of a million Iraqis and the destruction and takeover of their oil-rich country by America.

Campaign finance reform has long been discussed in American politics. It is well-known that corporate contributions finance candidates (presidential, senatorial, congress and gubernatorial) from both major parties, so that both the Republican and the Democratic parties are essentially beholden to corporate largesse, and therefore have similar right-of-center policies. Now the US Supreme Court has thrown a bomb into campaign finance reform by ruling that corporate campaign finance is not only fine, it can be done without limit. In effect the American Supreme Court has not only endorsed the corruption of American politics by corporate money, it has removed all obstacles to such corruption.

That this ruling has come at a time when American banks have brought the international economy into the worst crisis since the Great Depression makes it all the more disgusting. Should any judge be entitled to be addressed 'Your honour' after this?

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