Monday, January 7, 2008


The Americans have started their war-crimes against Iran.....their new phase, that is. The earlier phases included the 1950s removal by the CIA of the democratically elected leader Mossadegh, and the installation of the Shah who ran a brutal police state for more than 20 years till he was removed by the Iranian revolution, which included the storming of the US embassy, which the US avenged by providing Iraq's Saddam Hussein with WMD to prosecute a decade-long war which resulted in a million casualties.

The US's demonizing of Iranian leader Ahmadinejad for the last two years has now been followed up with today's incident in the Straits of Hormuz where the US claims it was harassed by Iranian warships....this sounds eerily like the Gulf of Tonkin incident of the 1960s, which was staged by the US to give itself a pretext to launch into the invasion of South Vietnam. That 'war' created some 4 million Asian casualties...

The Americans are the biggest war-criminals since the Nazis....and they are aided by their cohorts-in-crime the British....the axis of evil runs from Washington to London....and there is seemingly nothing we can do about it....

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