Saturday, January 12, 2008


This is for publication in your newspaper - a response to Mr. Salim Mansur's article in today's Sun praising President Bush's success in installing democracy in Iraq:

In a Seinfeld episode, George tells Jerry: "This is Costanza, LORD OF THE IDIOTS, so please..... a little respect". Well no more. George has been evicted, and we have a new KING OF THE IMBECILES - the irrepressible Mr.. Mansur.

Is is possible Mr. Mansur really wrote this article and the Sun published it? Am I hallucinating? I thought all over the world, billions of people were of the opinion that the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, done against the will of the international community and without UN approval, was a massive war-crime. Recently, residents of Vermont were publicly clamouring for the impeachment of President Bush and his cabinet for war-crimes. Even high-ranking officers of the US military have publicly castigated the Iraq invasion as "the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history" (retired US general William Odom), a "blunder of historic proportions" (Col. Larry Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff), and "a historic, strategic and moral calamity." (Zbigniew Brzezinski - former US National Security Council head).

All that is from the US' viewpoint. From Iraq's viewpoint, three-quarters of a million civilians dead, 5 million civilians displaced and on the move, and infrastructure damage exceeding a trillion dollars. Yes Iraq must be real happy that democracy is come to it.

Mr. Mansur's patent falsehoods would be funny if the reality were not so incredibly horrific. The death toll of Iraqi civilians marches on towards three-quarters of a million. That's nearly four times the number of Iraqis killed by Saddam Hussein, that tin-pot former dictator who was supported with great gusto as an ally by the US and the UK and given hundreds of billions of dollars worth of WMD so he could kill Iranians who had offended the US by throwing out the Shah, the other brutal dictator that the US had supported in the region. Casualties from that US-supported conflict (killed or wounded) exceeded a million people, and now the US in on course for a major conflict with Iran, on false premises as usual.

This guy is either on drugs, or on the payroll of the US Republican party..... a few more articles like this and the Toronto Sun will be seen as President Bush's personal propaganda dish-rag.

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