Monday, October 29, 2007



We live in odious times. Just yesterday it seems, a gang of criminals in the American leadership were able to carry out an illegal invasion of Iraq on fraudulent premises, against the wishes of the world community, except the bribed, the bullied and the British. The propaganda in support of that invasion included claims that Saddam Hussein had been involved in the 911 attacks, possessed weapons of mass destruction for use against America, and had actively been seeking nuclear weapons for the same purpose.

ALL of those claims were false, should have been known to be such – given the devastated state of Iraq since 1991 – and should have been treated with skepticism if not outright contempt by the international media and political leadership. Instead, partly (but only partly) because of the way in which the Bush administration bullied anyone who questioned its actions (accusing them of treason) those lies were swallowed whole, and the nation of Iraq was destroyed again, with some 650,000 casualties to date.

For the last year or so, similar deceitful propaganda has been broadcast about Iran and its leader Ahmadinejad.....whose principal problems seems to be his rejection of official Western narrative and the 'free' expression of alternative viewpoints. But the West does not wish to accord Ahmadinejad the right of free speech and has chosen to misrepresent his statements and intentions. Leading historians such as Niall Ferguson have published articles warning of 'Armageddon', because Iran wants to acquire nuclear energy, conveniently omitting to mention Israel's ownership of hundreds of nuclear weapons.

The same lies are being broadcast about Ahmadinejad and Iran, that had been spread about Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Another calamitous attack is in the wings.....Iran is due to be destroyed (by bombs if not an invasion) just as Iraq has been.

Is there no one who will speak out against this obscenity?

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